Saturday 7 January 2012


Copyright relevant owner

Here's one I meant to put up at the start of the year but forgot.  Never mind, it's not too late - we're still only a week into 2012, so enjoy seeing how HUCKLEBERRY HOUND and YOGI BEAR (plus some pals) were bringing in the New Year back in 1966.  (Towards the end of 1965 obviously.)  Note that in the third-last panel on page two, it's clear that a 'Knock knock' lettering effect has been inadvertently omitted.  (Tsk, tsk!)

I don't remember ever seeing this title as a kid, but maybe that's simply because I was too busy buying TV CENTURY 21 instead.  Interestingly, both comics were the same price (7d), but with only 16 pages - four in full colour - Huck's weekly was hardly value for money by comparison.  Perhaps the publishers had to fork out an absolute fortune to feature the licensed HANNA-BARBERA characters though.
1966, eh?  If you're around my age, I bet it doesn't seem half as long ago as it sounds.

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