Monday 9 January 2012


Don't worry about the title - I know how to spell.  Looking through my files recently, I found a few pieces of art - finished and unfinished - from several years back.  The first is this double caricature, which, even if I say so myself, isn't a bad little pencil drawing.  In case you're wondering, 'DUNN KWIK ' is a pseudonym I use from time to time when I've produced something in a hurry.

Above is an OOR WULLIE cartoon someone asked me to draw.  It's only three and a half by five and a half inches, but the recipient was fair chuffed with their little freebie.  One day, when I've got the energy, I'll sit down and paint a full-page Oor Wullie cover. 

A few years ago, for my own amusement, I doodled a few 'roughs' of a cartoon strip I dreamt up in an idle moment.  These examples were drawn quickly with a black gel ball-point pen in a blue feint-ruled jotter.  (I've upped the contrast in order to 'white out' the blue lines, but you can still see a hint of them.)

I should stress that these are not 'finished ' strips, which - if I'd ever got 'round to doing - would've had more time spent on them and been drawn and lettered to a proper professional standard. 

The fourth and last one (below) I never completed, even though I had only one panel left to draw.  (Just lost interest.)  As I said, these were mere doodles and are no indication of my finished drawing standard, examples of which can be found elsewhere on this blog.

If you click on the above image to enlarge, you'll see the faint pencil indications of the girl throttling the guy in the final panel.  Must finish it off one day, and then draw them all out properly perhaps.  Anyway, that's yer lot for now.  At least until I uncover any more lost or mislaid art lying around my house.


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