Monday 9 January 2012


Here's yet another superb classic collectable plaything from the early days of my cherubic-faced childhood.  I was about three or four when I first got my original one, but it will doubtless come as no surprise to you when I say that, once again, I've had the above replacement for more years than I ever had its predecessor - even though it sure doesn't feel like it.  Anyway, what you're looking at is a FLINTSTONE FLIVVER, produced by MARX TOYS in the early 1960s.

There were at least a couple of versions of this titanically terrific toy: friction-drive and battery-operated.  (The batteries didn't go in the car, but in a 'remote control' unit attached by a cord.  No infra-red gizmos in those days.)  The photos I've seen of the latter version had a different FRED figure, made of tin, in the driving seat, but I daresay it's possible that some had the same plastic figure as the friction-drive version in the photo above.  Also, the battery one had 'Flintstone Flivver' printed along each side of the car, whereas the friction one usually didn't - though I believe I've seen photos of ones that did.

In an effort to bring you the best of both worlds, I've graciously bestowed upon you photos of the friction-drive Flivver, and the box for its battery-operated counterpart.  Also pictured (below) is someone else's flivver and its original box.  I sure hope you appreciate my unselfish generosity to you.  Once again, this is a highly desirable collectable, and could easily set you back a couple of hundred pounds for a pristine condition model - if you could ever find one that is.

Now tell me - do I spoil you, or what?    

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