Monday 9 January 2012


Here we are again with some more artwork from the forgotten files of yours truly.  As you can see, the above caricature comes from 1997, and is a scan of a colour photocopy of the original coloured acrylic inks version.  Below is another scan of a photocopy of the original black and white pen drawing.  

The scan below is of a laser copy of the original pencil drawing, which had a slightly softer look to it.  I enhanced the scan to make the detail clearer, but it gains in some ways and loses in others.

Below is the subject of the first picture, a couple of years later with a different hairstyle.  Who knows, maybe she'll be on The ANTIQUES ROADSHOW in fifty years, being told the originals are worth a fortune?  (Excuse me, it's time for my medicine - I'm hallucinating again.)

Tune in again in the near future to see what other items of interest might be on display.

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