Wednesday 5 October 2011


British audiences require no introduction to MORECAMBE & WISE, who, for many years, were probably Britain's best-loved comedy duo, rivalled only by The TWO RONNIES.  Eric and Ern's TV Christmas Specials got record-breaking viewing figures that many a programme today would kill for.  While the pair were still at the peak of their success, publishers WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON released a hardback book, The MORECAMBE & WISE SPECIAL in 1977, with W.H. ALLEN & Co., Ltd releasing the softcover edition (under the imprint of STAR BOOKS) a year later.

I guess there must have been a demand for it recently, because a facsimile edition of the original hardback volume was published in 2009.  If you missed it and can't live without it, you'll no doubt be pleased to learn that the POUNDLAND chain of stores currently have loads of the book in stock for - surprise surprise - £1.  If you were a fan of the twosome back in the '70s, the book is a nice little reminder of a vanished era and can still raise a chuckle or three.

Comics fans in particular will be interested in the four page comic strip featuring Eric & Ernie, drawn by TERRY WAKEFIELD and  written by DENIS GIFFORD.  At a mere pound, how can you lose?


  1. I probably won't buy the book, as I have loads of M&W on DVD. Ant and Dec are such sorry substitutes.

  2. It's a nice little collectors' item, Martin, as it was a one-off as far as I know. And it's only £1. Go on, push the boat out and live a little.


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