Tuesday 4 October 2011


Copyright D.C. Thomson & Co., Ltd

The companion book to the BEANO & DANDY Celebration of DENNIS The MENACE, namely The BROONS & OOR WULLIE 75th Anniversary Edition, is currently available in all good bookshops, priced £12.99.

However, WH SMITH's has a special offer on at the moment - buy any one annual, get another for only £1.  That means one can obtain both books for a mere £13.99. (UPDATE: This has now been superseded by a 'buy one, get one free' offer.)

(FURTHER UPDATE: As of Dec 27th, all Annuals are £1.99 while stocks last.)

As well as the first ever appearances of The Broons and Oor Wullie, the book also includes a Broons CD and an Oor Wullie calendar, pictured below.

What are you waiting for? Get down to your nearest WH Smith's today!

However, don't neglect your local SAINSBURY'S, who are selling the 2012 BEANO ANNUAL and DANDY ANNUAL for £5 EACH (R.R.P. £7.99) or a mere £8 for both of them.  This offer also includes other annuals, but I didn't see the Dennis or Broons & Our Wullie books on sale there.

(UPDATE: On Dec 24th, all Annuals were priced £3 each.  It's extremely likely that any remaining stock has been reduced even further since then.)

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