Friday 7 October 2011


'Tis the merry month of October and Hallow'en will soon be upon us.  Even we oldies who haven't been out guising in many a long year are not immune to its unique charms, and can yet recall the Hallowe'ens of our youth with fond nostalgia.  I remember having a cardboard YOGI BEAR mask, purchased from WOOLWORTHS (actually I had two; one in 1963/'64 and again in '66), and I'd love to be able to get my hands on another one some day.  Unlikely I know, given the inherent fragility of the item.  (Update: Got one 11 years after first publishing this post.)

Anyway, I was digging through the files recently and, much to my surprise, discovered a photocopy of the original pencil version of my FRANKENSTEIN monster portrait from the early '80s.  Regular readers of this blog will have already seen the inked and cropped incarnation of this drawing, but the pencilled portrait has its own charm and is of sufficient interest to merit an outing here.

So, just imagine... you hear a chapping at your front porch.  Grabbing a few apples and some monkey nuts, you prepare to endure yet another rendition of 'three wee witches on the green' as you open the door and are confronted - not by a gaggle of giggling guisers - but by the image above, looming at you out of the fog.

And if that doesn't cure you of your constipation, then nothing will.  


  1. Hey Kid,
    Was great to see your 15 minute of fame clip. Jenny and I had fun recognising most of the figures. Our memorabilia collection isn't quite as impressive, but it's growing slowly, although a lot of it still needs unpacked.
    Jenny plans one day to have the biggest buffy collection in the world, closely followed by Disneyana. Cheers, Rob

  2. Ah, if only it had been 15 minutes - 15 seconds is closer to the mark. However, I'll gladly take what I can get, utter ham that I am.

    There's another clip - remind to show it to you some day.


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