Saturday 8 October 2011


I've noticed recently that when I try and submit comments to various people's blogs, they disappear into oblivion.  (My comments that is, not the people or their blogs.)  What's more, there seems to be a random factor involved; sometimes I can leave a comment where it had been denied previously, sometimes it's vice versa.

Anyone else had this problem?


Update: I think I've got the problem sussed.  Thanks to those who responded.


  1. I was reading about this being a problem, the other day.

    It seems to happen on blogs that have the comments form embedded in the page and are using Captcha to stop spam. If the person trying to make the comment has their browser set to disable cookies, the comment can just vanish into the ether.

    So, if you have cookies disabled, you need to enable them by whatever means it is that your browser enables you to do so.

    Because of it I was thinking of switching to using the full-page comments form on my blogs from now on, in case people are struggling to get comments published.

  2. Thanks Steve,

    I'll look into that, but I haven't changed anything on my computer recently and I never used to have this problem until about a fortnight ago.


  3. Your blog has gotten jumpy since you changed design.

  4. 'Jumpy'? Pray tell - in what way exactly?

  5. I've noticed that too: as soon as I click on the "Kiddin' Around" title in the Reading List I'm immediately bounced to the bottom of your blog page and have to scroll back up. Not a major problem, admittedly...

  6. Funnily enough, I was having the same problem a few months ago when I signed in (to my own blog), but it cleared up of its own accord after a few weeks.

  7. I've noticed it always jumps down to where the video bar and the calendar are. Therefore one of them may have a script in it that makes browsers jump down the page to it.

    As the calendar has an advert in it, it may be that whoever designed it, designed it to makes sure it and its advert are the first thing people see when they visit your blog. So it might be a good idea to remove it and see if the jumping stops.

  8. I'll give it a try - let me know if it works.

  9. That's it. Good now.

  10. I'll assume it was the calendar and restore the puppies. If it starts doing it again, let me know. Thanks.

  11. Hooray! The mad jumping's stopped for me too!

  12. Hooray! The Milky Bars are on - er, STEVE!


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I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
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