Sunday 9 October 2011


I probably shouldn't be posting some of my early work as most of it was a bit rough and it shows.  However, even allowing for the deficiencies, some of it isn't too bad for a teenager and would have been improved with only a bit of 'polish'.  (A bolder, more confident outline for a start.)  The above is one I did for a local business back in the '70s and, yes, I was paid for it.  I did quite a few for this company (all for newspaper publication), but this is the only one I kept a copy of as it was the first.  Which is a shame, now that I think of it, because some of them were quite good.


  1. The gag's cool - reminds me of the days when the remote control was us kids! :)

  2. I remember those days well.

  3. It just needs a modern flat screen and a reference like, "I knew we should've got cable!"

    Instantly transported back up to date! :)

  4. Careful, some cable company might steal it. (Chortle.) I think I did this back in 1976 - who knew what lay ahead, technology-wise, eh? Having said that, they're usually working on new technology at least 20 years before it's released to the public.


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