Friday 15 October 2010


"My name's Bond - James Bond!"

I posted this photo for no other reason than I quite fancy myself (I could've ended that sentence there) as secret agent JAMES BOND 007.  And it's my blog so I'll pose if I want to.  And unlike SEAN CONNERY, my hair and teeth are all my own.  And I've got an ASTON MARTIN DB5 (even if it is only a CORGI TOYS one from the '60s).  (And because you never know when the absolutely gorgeous SALMA HAYEK might be looking in.)

"But James Bond doesn't have a beard", I hear all you Crivvies cry.  Aha!  I was on a secret mission and impersonating a Russian SPECTRE agent, GETYA KNICKERZOFF - and as everyone and their granny knows, all Russians have beards.  (Even the men!*)

(*I'm only jesting of course.  I've said the same thing  about Scottish women when the joke has required it.)

1 comment:

Kid said...

Gordie, your so handsome. (I hope I'm not 'on the turn'.)

Your double from alternate Earth #42.

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