Thursday, 23 January 2025


Copyright DC COMICS

Behold - two new facsimiles of DC Collectors' Editions from the '70s, Crivs.  If you don't have the originals, then these are the very chappies for you.  As it happens, I don't have the originals either, so they're the very chappies for me, too!  I've also got a hardcover edition of the Superman Vs Wonder Woman issue, published in 2020, winging its way to me as I type these words, so hooray for me.

Did you purchase any of the various DC Collectors' Editions back in the day, and if so, what impressed you about them?  Let it all hang out (figuratively speaking) in our comments section.

And below is the latest arrival at Castel Crivens...


  1. I had a few of the originals including Ali v Superman, Superfriends, Flash v Superman and a couple of others, I still have the last 2. I was going to buy the Ali v Superman and Superman v Wonder Woman facsimilies, but not at the price being asked , I would however consider picking up the Bible edition for the art. I loved any large sized comic and Marvels first Conan the Barbarian treasury edition was a big favourite . I think i gave that away bumy mistake!

    1. I've got the original Superman Vs Flash edition and have had it for decades, McS, though I didn't buy it when it first came out. I'm still deciding whether to buy the facsimile or not. Got the first two Marvel Conan Treasuries as well. I've got three different reprints of the Supes Vs Ali issue, but not the original, which I didn't want when it was first published. It's best to buy the facsimiles when they're first released, as they very soon shoot up in price.

  2. I had the first (1975) and third (1978) Conan Treasury Editions. I bought the '75 one while on holiday at the seaside in August 1977 along with the first Thor TE. I bought the '78 Conan TE in my local WH Smith's which was unusual as my WHS never sold TEs except for that one.

    Tomorrow (Jan 25th) is 50 years since SMCW #103 came out which was my first ever Spidey comic and my first "proper" Marvel comic that featured superheroes rather than just talking apes and Ka-Zar.

    1. Contrary to what I told McS, it seems I have only the first Conan Treasury, not the second. I must've confused my intention to replace it with actually doing so, CJ. Got the first two Thor ones though. And happy anniversary on SMCW #103 tomorrow. Will you be having cake?

  3. No, but I've got some Jaffa Cakes so that'll have to do.

    1. I've polished off 4 boxes of Jaffa Cakes in the last week, greedy buggah that I am.

  4. Kid, Tesco's Jaffa Cakes are only half the price of the originals. I'm surprised Tesco are allowed to use the name Jaffa Cakes as you'd assume it was a brand name owned by McVitie's.

    1. I get mine from Farmfoods, CJ. Dunno who makes them, but they're top-class - even better than McVitie's I'd say. Yeah, I'm surprised they let the name thing slide by.

  5. Colin more than Tescos have called their Jaffa cakes errr Jaffa cakes. This is because McVities didnt register the trademark on the name alegidly thinking as the name is that of a named type of orange ( a Jaffa) they wouldn't get approval . So enjoy your Tescos Jaffa cakes with no guilt.

    1. And I'd guess that 'cakes' is also a name that can't be copyrighted, which thwarted them in two ways, McS. I suppose they could've been called Jaffa Bix, except for the fact that, despite everyone thinking they're biscuits, they're actually not. (Despite the shape.)

  6. Well the cake thing in "Jaffa cakes " is another story Kid. McVities specifically called them cakes so they didn't attract tax, a chocolate covered biscuit in the UK attracts VAT. This actually went to court and McVities won as they are officially cakes (an even longer story on that definition). I'm not a biccy geek honest, I learned this when studying for a marketing degree in another life.

  7. Actually the story of the use of the word "cake" in Jaffa cakes is another story Kid. McVities took this to court as the government said they were biscuits, in the UK chocolate covered biscuits attract VAT. McVities won and Jaffa Cakes are cakes the definition of a biscuit and cake being even more boring . I'm not a biccy geek honest I just learned this when studying for a marketing degree in another life

    1. There's that echo again, McS. Yeah, I knew about that 'other story' and why they're defined as cakes instead of biscuits - even though just about everyone and their granny thinks of them as biscuits. And even though I call them Jaffa Cakes ('cos that's what they're called), I still think of them as biscuits.

  8. My first message came back saying it hadn't published so I sent it again .

  9. Did anyone every desecrate their hard-won comic collectables by cutting out their dioramas, value stamps, hero masks, etc. ? I'm sure I made a Thunderbirds model via a comic "cut this out, poke tabs here, glue this bit to that bit: from an old TV21 once, but to be fair, I was only five or six at the time. A few years later and taking scissors to comic pages seemed like blasphemy.

    1. Oo-er, in that case, I probably 'blasphemed' quite a few times when I was younger. As far as I remember though, I never cut out any of the dioramas of DC Collectors' Editions, but I was a teenager by then. I did cut out pics of Susan Storm when I was a primary school pupil, furtive little perv that I was.

  10. I don't think I ever cut out anything from my US comics, saying that I also never treated them with kid gloves ans many of my comics were/are well read and bear the scars .

    1. Tell you another thing I never did, McS, and that was fold the Mad Fold-Ins - that would've been sacrilege. Actually, I often acquired another copy of US comics I'd cut things out of, sometimes months or a year or two later. That was one advantage of the distribution set-up in the UK; because comics came over as ballast in ships, the same ones (some of them anyway) often appeared on the spinner-racks again and again.

  11. I mentioned buying the 1978 Conan Treasury Edition earlier which I ruined by removing the pin-ups of REH characters at the back and I also removed the front and back covers to use as pin-ups too.

    Kid, does Farmfoods mainly sell frozen food? There's a Farmfoods store near me but I've never been inside because I thought it sold frozen food and I don't have a freezer.

    1. That's where my scanner and printer comes in handy nowadays, CJ - I don't have to cut up my comics, though I sometimes used to buy two copies and cut pages, panels, and pin-ups out of one of them.

      Farmfoods also sells tins of food, bread, rolls, cheese, and other refrigerated (not freezer) items. (Sells them as well of course.) Cakes, biscuits, coffee, tea, loo rolls, kitchen towels, air fryers, etc. You should take a look.

  12. I collected quite a few of the DC and Marvel Treasury's, starting with the House of Mystery and Tarzan, I believe. Not many of them appeared in Portsmouth newsagents, and I'm sure I picked quite a few in London. Certainly I had the Batman special C-25, Superman/Mohammed Ali, Superman/Spidey team up, Conan, Cap America Bi-centennial battles, and many others. I thiink DC is on to a winner repritning them. The latest Superman/Flash facsimile is totally unfamiliar to me. Have you seen it?

    1. I bought the Superman The Movie 'Collectors' Edition' in Southsea in 1981 - still got it too, B. As for the Superman Vs. Flash issue, I have an original, though I've still ordered the facsimile and am waiting for it to arrive. All my Treasury Editions and Collectors' Editions are in a couple of posts on the blog if you're interested. (Can't remember if you commented on them or not.)

    2. Just checked both posts, B, and there are no comments from you so you maybe never saw them at the time.


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