Wednesday, 25 December 2024


Hope Santa was nice to you all!


  1. I was expecting a special festive post yesterday, Kid, but Merry Christmas again anyway. I ate my Stollen last night as planned and this morning I had my Cadbury's chocolate Santa and a festive sausage roll with cranberries in (I've got another one of those for tonight and a can of Captain Morgan rum & Pepsi).

  2. I've got a chicken dinner for later, half a selection box ('cos I've already scoffed the other half), a bottle of Pepsi Max in the fridge, and 2 boxes of mince pies, CJ. Merry Xmas.

  3. Ah...TV Comic - a blast from the past ( pre-Marvel days! ) I've got one in my garage, somewhere. I've had a mint Choc Orange, mint Matchmakers, & After, too much mint flavour! Start with chocs, and you just can't stop! Merry Christmas, Kid & Colin!


  4. Ugh! I detest the smell or taste of mint, P, so have never eaten it. I even use strawberry toothpaste 'cos I hate mint. All other chocolate very welcome though. And Merry Xmas to you and yours too.

  5. Merry Christmas to you, Kid and all Crivvies! I'm not a fan of TV Comic but that's a great cover. I loved all the comics at Christmas, somehow the snow on top of the letters made them even more appealing. I wonder which was the first comic to do this? I'm sure I've read it somewhere.

  6. It was Comic Cuts #32, M, back on December 20th 1890. And a Merry Xmas to you too.

  7. So you've never tasted mint sauce, Kid. My grandmother made her own mint sauce from mint that grew in her garden. I've never heard of anyone who didn't like mint!

  8. Merry Christmas, Kid!! Hope it was a great day. I got to spend time with all of my family yesterday and today, so it was a great Christmas!!

  9. I detest even a hint of mint with a passion, CJ - it is anathema to me. I'd never kiss a gal who smelt of it, never mind ate it. Disgusting! I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who didn't like it either, which surely makes me unique.


    It was a great day, G, in that it was a quiet day. I spent it by myself, as I have every Christmas for around the last 35 years. Friends do sometimes invite me, but I always decline, as I'm now far too used to being on my own during the season. Glad to hear you had the kind of Christmas you enjoy, and I hope Santa was good to you.

  10. Christmas is not just one day and this annoying attitude is peculiarly American and British it seems (in America they don't even have Boxing Day). In European countries like Germany they make a big thing of Christmas right into January. We didn't always have a turkey but whenever we did have one my mother would make a Christmas dinner every day for a week until the turkey was finished and we'd usually have Christmas pudding not on Christmas Day but on Boxing Day or the 27th or 28th. In this way Christmas was extended well beyond December 25th as it should be.

  11. Perhaps, CJ, it;s because Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier every year, that once the big day is over, people want it out of the way as quickly as possible and things back to 'normal'.

  12. So why don't people take down their tree and decorations on Boxing Day, Kid?

  13. Kid, I accept that it doesn't feel much like Christmas once the new year has arrived but in my opinion there's no harm in keeping the Christmas spirit going until New year's Eve and it just bugs me when people ask "Did you have a nice Christmas?" on December 27th. I'll be going to Tesco tomorrow and no doubt the bloody Easter eggs will be on the shelves but hopefully there'll still be sausage rolls with cranberries or turkey & cranberry sandwiches and I will search for any festive food still available. I will also continue to watch Christmas-themed entertainment on BBC iPlayer or YouTube until the end of December so may I wish you a Merry Christmas for today and tomorrow and for the next few days :)

  14. I think when people ask if you had a nice Christmas a day or three after the 25th, they mean did you have a nice Christmas Day, no more than that, CJ. And if they keep their tree and decorations up until January 6th, in a way, they are still celebrating Christmas, don't you think? Anyway, may I wish you a Merry Christmas until March 8th (picked at random), so feel free to eat as many mince pies as you want up until then.

  15. Most people nowadays seem to think that Christmas means Christmas Day so December 27th is "after Christmas" when December 27th is actually only the 3rd day of Christmas or possibly only the 2nd (depending on whether Twelfth Night is on the 5th or 6th January). As for mince pies - I will look for some in Tesco later today but I won't be surprised if they've already been removed from the shelves.

  16. Like I said, CJ, I think most people mean Christmas Day when they say Christmas, which is what causes the mix-up. And if there are no mince pies in your local Tesco, it'll be because some greedy buggahs have already bought them all and they're out of stock.

  17. Well, I didn't need to worry about mince pies, Kid, as there were loads left in Tesco this morning so I bought a box of six plus a pork pie with cranberry topping (I got the very last one which was reduced from £5.50 to £2.75) and a can of orange Fanta and a can of 7-Up so those are my treats for this weekend. Sadly there were no more sausage rolls with cranberries but you can't have everything. Tesco has already removed its' Christmas tree which I'd expected because whoever's in charge of my local store is a total Scrooge (worse than Scrooge because at least HE found redemption) but I was glad to see lots of Christmas lights around the town centre including a huge lit tree outside the Civic Centre (actually it's half a lit tree because the lights on the lower half stopped working about 10 days ago and haven't been fixed). In an estate agents' window there was a little nativity scene lit up by flashing coloured lights which looked nice but was probably historically inaccurate ho, ho.

  18. Indeed, as I don't think they'd have had flashing lights back then, CJ. I've just remembered I've still got half a trifle and a full Xmas pudding to scoff, so I'll be covering the pud in Carnation Milk and spraying it with cream. And I've yet to start on a box of six of Mr. Kipling's exceedingly good mince pies, as well. I sometimes wonder how I manage to retain my slim and slender figure, I really do. (Cough.)

  19. Merry Christmas hope Santa brought you a present. He got me good British chocs from a specialty store.

  20. Santa always brings me a present, PS. Unfortunately, he charges for delivery now. Enjoy those choccies.

  21. Kid, do you know that today is the 50th anniversary of Tom Baker's debut in Dr Who? Robot part 1 was broadcast on Saturday, December 28th 1974.

    I'll assume you didn't watch this year's Dr Who Christmas special but did you know about the new colourised version of The War Games on BBC Four? The final adventure of Patrick Troughton's Doctor from 1969 has been edited to a single 90-minute programme and colourised - it was shown on BBC Four last Monday and is available on BBC iPlayer. I watched it and the colour effects are mostly excellent but they've also meddled with the Doctor's regeneration - there's a scene where the Time Lords let the Doctor choose his next face (he declines to do so) but in the new version the faces on offer have been replaced with images of recent Doctors like Peter Capaldi, David Tennant and Jodie Whittaker. This was rather galling for me because that scene is the earliest thing I can ever remember watching on TV when I was only 3 and now it's been interfered with! Also the new version has created a brand new scene where Patrick Troughton regenerates into Jon Pertwee which never existed in the original so this new War Games could be regarded as a bit controversial for purists but I'm glad I watched it.

  22. Probably 'knew' it, CJ, but had long forgotten the fact if I did. Also, knew about the colourised show as well, but never watched it. Never really watched much at all 'cos I tend to just have the radio on now, whether I'm actually listening to it or not. I seem to do a lot of sleeping these days.


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