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Can't recall whether I showed you this book before or not, Crivs (only bought it a few months back), but it's one worth having. Published in 2012, it's a hardback collected edition (with dustjacket, though it's probably also available in softcover format) of the replica editions of the first two Secret Origins Specials from 1961 & '65 plus Even More Secret Origins (a retro Special from 2003 in the style of the two '60s issues) and, capping it off from 2004, Weird Secret Origins - not that any 'origin' is ever exactly normal, is it? Anyway, I already have the individual issues, but I'm usually a sucker for deluxe collected editions and thought some of you might be, too. If so, the book should be easily available via eBay ('cos that's where I got mine).
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