A cascading cornucopia of cool comics, crazy cartoons, & classic collectables - plus other completely captivating & occasionally controversial contents. With nostalgic notions, sentimental sighings, wistful wonderings, remorseful ruminations, melancholy musings, rueful reflections, poignant ponderings, & yearnings for yesteryear. (And a few profound perplexities, puzzling paradoxes, & a bevy of big, beautiful, bedazzling, buxom Babes to round it all off.)
Thursday, 28 November 2024
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Denise better check the hot water steam settings on her washing machine, as her scanties seem to be shrinking.
ReplyDeleteShe uses MY washing machine now, LM, so I'll get it checked out.
ReplyDeleteI clicked on your latest post and BAM! KAPOWW! They almost took my eyes out, are they real do you think? Can you ask her when you do her next service wash...
ReplyDeleteThey're real enough for me, R, but I ain't gonna ask her. I never was one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. (No, I don't know what I mean either.)
ReplyDeleteI think, I know where she stores her delectables, sorry, I mean collectables. who's up for a bit of inventory. Very true K, you never look a gift horse in the mouth, but you can ride it to near death, what a way to go!
ReplyDeleteWhose near-death? The gift horse or the rider?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently using my Samsung tablet and in my bookmarks list a photo of Gail McKenna now regularly appears alongside the Crivens entry. The photo used to be of you, Kid, sitting at a desk, the photo that appears on your blog, but on my Samsung tablet's bookmarks list you've been ousted by Gail McKenna for some reason.
ReplyDeleteI should say "Bloody women, always wanting to take over!", CJ, but in Gail McKenna's case, how could I complain? She'll have to write her own posts though.