Sunday 5 May 2024


A new comics shop opened in East Kilbride in Scotland back in March, with loads of great stuff that's sure to appeal to a wide range of customers.  Alongside toys, collectables, card games, graphic novels, t-shirts, Funko Pops, etc., it also has a wide selection of comics back issues.

Greg Findlay (on the right, below) is the king owner and Mark McAllister (on the left) is one of his serfs knights.  As is Garry McColl on the far right of the third photo.  (Didn't his family own a chain of newsagents?)  Don't ask me what Greg is doing to Garry, 'cos I've led a sheltered life and don't really know about such things.  Nice to see they're all pals though.

So if your a comics fan, or are into any of the other great things that Castle Comics has to offer, get yourself down to their store in EK shopping centre and buy something nice for yourself - or anyone else you know who'd appreciate it. 


Colin Jones said...

My local comics/memorabilia shop used to be the town's main post office until the mid-'90s when a new upgraded post office was opened a bit further along the same street.

Kid said...

And do comics shop and post office still exist, CJ, or are both now consigned to Limbo?

McSCOTTY said...

I popped I to Castle Comics a few weeks ago on (following your mention of it in a comment) but the back issue section upstairs was closed and the guys were really busy so I left. I will need to make a visit soon, it looks a nice shop and pretty local for me.

Colin Jones said...

Yes, both still exist, Kid. I haven't been in the comics shop since December 2021 when I bought Marvel's Conan The Barbarian #25 (also labelled as #300 counting from the original CTB #1 in 1970). I bought the comic with a contactless card which makes it the only physical comic I've bought in my lifetime that I didn't buy with cash. December 2021 was the tail-end of the pandemic of course and I was wearing a mask whilst in the comics shop unlike the shop assistant - he was wearing a badge which said "I'm not wearing a mask due to medical reasons".

Kid said...

I didn't wear a mask either, CJ, and had a card on a cord I wore 'round my neck. (The only time I wear a mask is when I'm robbing a place.) Have you still got that Conan #25/300?

Colin Jones said...

No, I kept it for a while then put it in the weekly kerbside recycling box.

Kid said...

You'll be kicking yourself if it's worth hundreds of pounds in a few years, eh, CJ?

McSCOTTY said...

I dread to think how many comics I have given away that are now worth a few quid. Off hand I know I gave away a few early core X-Men and Batman comics and literally 1000s of UK comics from the 1965-1972 period.

Kid said...

I gave away several 50th Anniversary reprint issues of Action Comics #1 (containing just the Superman tale) and I now see asking prices for it on eBay up to nearly a couple of hundred quid. (Doubt they'll ever sell for that though.)

Colin Jones said...

Kid, have the staff read about themselves on the blog? I noticed that you altered the names of two of the staff from earlier so I wondered if they'd seen the post and informed you of your mistake?

Anonymous said...

I used to go to their Cumbernauld Shop before they moved to EK and I always enjoyed going to it during the week for when they had gaming sessions planned like Pokemon TCG or D&D games.

Greg@CastleComics said...

Thank you so much for the Kind words Kid !
Hope to see you again soon


Kid said...

I was given a list of the staff's names after I'd taken the photos of them, CJ, and naturally assumed they were listed in their posing order. When I was in the next day, I asked them to confirm the order and found I'd been given the names out of sequence, so I corrected it. The names weren't altered, only the order in which they were listed.


I'd assume they still do that in the EK store, but to be honest, I'm not sure.


No bother, Greg, just remember to set me up on a date with Salma Hayek like you promised.

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