Thursday 16 May 2024


Copyright DC COMICS

Actually, it's the recent Facsimile Edition and is very nice indeed.  I don't recall whether I ever had the original or not, though I'm familiar with the contents and have them in other reprint collections.  The only thing that lets it down slightly is that the house ads at the back of the book are obviously scanned from an original edition and are therefore slightly faded and murky in places.  I'd have thought DC could've dropped in some new colour to sharpen them up a bit, but maybe they didn't think it was worth it.  However, the actual story pages are as sharp and clear as a bell (mixed-metaphorically speaking).

Anyway, peeps, did you have this giant book (as in comicbook) back in the '70s, and if so, just what did you think of it?  Tell all your fellow Crivvies now and start the comments ball rolling!


McSCOTTY said...

I never had this edition but I had a couple of the original issues at the time and bought the collected editon when it came out. I was tempted when I saw this in Forbidden Planet, but I am making a serious attempt to cut back on comics. It's an impressive copy although I don't really like the foil cover versions.

Kid said...

I think I had some originals at the time (probably not many), but didn't keep them, McS. I bought the mini-series reprints of them a good many years ago and I think they might also be in my 3 volume Neal Adams Batman books, but it's nice to have this collection as well. This one isn't a foil cover version, but I do have a couple of regular-sized facsimiles with foil covers (as well as their 'ordinary' ones). It works on some, but by-no-means all of them.

Rip Jagger said...

I picked up this facsimile the first chance I got. It's a beauty! I never had the original tabloid, though like you I've had the stories for some time in collections. I'd love to see more in this line, but sadly DC has nothing else that sells like Batman.

Kid said...

DC have reissued three tabloid editions that I know of (and have), RJ, and in hardback. Superman Vs Ali, Stories From The Bible, and the Metropolis special. They also published a new one - More Fun Comics #1, with a dust-jacket. I wouldn't mind them reprinting some more cardboard covered ones like this Batman classic.

Anonymous said...

Kid - Didn't the 1974 UK Superman & Batman Annual have some of the Neal Adams Batman stuff in it? I certainly remember the final scene, in which Ra's wants Batman for a son-in-law:

Rip - I'm enjoying your Tolkien posts. I never comment, because your blog requires readers to sign in with google (or something). That's not to say that I don't appreciate your blog, and the work you put into it.


Kid said...

It may well have done, P, but I couldn't say for sure as I don't own it, nor did I have it back in the day. However, what I CAN say for sure is that RJ will be glad to know that his Tolkien posts are a hit with you, as well as his other posts.

Colin Jones said...

What's so terrible about having a Google account, Phillip? With a Google account you've got access to Blogger, G Mail and YouTube plus you can use your Google account to sign in to such things as The Guardian and X(Twitter) without needing a separate account and password. I've got 2 Google accounts and I wouldn't be without them!

Kid said...

Maybe P doesn't want any of those things, CJ. And maybe he'll tell us if he sees your comment.

Anonymous said...

Colin - I used to have gmail, as my e-mail, but can no longer access it (I've had this with ymail more recently, too, for different reasons.) Some years ago, I got disrespectful missives from an acquaintance, so stopped using that gmail account. And, not using any email account for long periods, you get locked out of it. At the moment I'm with aolmail. As regards the papers, I watch the paper review on Sky News every night, before bed, but mostly think they print garbage. Even the supposedly "better" papers! Therefore, that's not something I miss! With the rest, I can access them without a google account. Not owning a smartphone, I don't need alerting to new stuff on blogs, etc - I just look at them in the conventional way! See you back at Steve's place, as the Shakespeare debate gets sillier & sillier(I hold myself largely responsible for starting it!)


Kid said...

That'll be Seymour Shakespeare you're talking about, I take it? His brother Stephen was in my class at school. There you go, CJ, P saw your comment and responded to it. What a gentleman.

Colin Jones said...

Yes, thanks Phil!

Kid said...

And I'm sure P thanks you for your thanks, CJ. (I'm trying to wring as many comments out of this as I can. Is it obvious?)

baggsey said...

Picked this up last month when it came out. I think it was the last Limited Collector's Edition that I bought back in the 70' the large format. I was thinking it would have been nice if the $14.99 price had been a sticker that could have been removed to revel the original $2 price beneath. Nonetheless, it is a lovely book. I then went a bought a copy of the original final Batman LCE C-59 "Batman's Strangest Cases" from eb*y for $14.99 in great condition - a superb collection of Batman stories as well.

Kid said...

I don't mind the new price being different from the original, B, 'cause it's a detail that most people probably don't pay attention to (once they've bought it, that is) while admiring the cover art. I'll maybe treat myself to a few more LCEs if I see any I'd like to have. It's odd that DC have reissued some of them in hardback, but not this one. And the cover doesn't quite match up with the top and bottom of the interior pages.

Graham said...

Oddly enough, I had all but one of the originals in this collection. It was actually my jumping off point for collecting Batman. Our distribution was so spotty, I'm amazed I was able to get them all, but I think I did get the last two issues at the same time. I never saw the Limited Collector's Edition in my shop, but did pick up the Kindle Version of this series that came out several years ago. It was nice to revisit these issues, plus the others that were included in the Kindle version.

Kid said...

I don't think I'd be satisfied with digital versions of comics, G, as I prefer the 'physical' aspect of reading a mag - you know, the feel and smell of the paper, etc. However, maybe that's just me, and if Kindle allows you to catch up on your comics reading (if you're not a 'collector'), then I suppose it's done it's job. Ta for commenting, always a pleasure.

Graham said...

Kindle is not my first choice, for sure, but I don't have the time or finances (or the space in my house) needed to track down physical copies. I usually wait until the holidays, when they're really discounted and grab whatever graphic novel sets are available on Kindle. I much prefer the feel and smell of the physical copies, as you do, but via Kindle, I get a lot of reading for a relatively small price.

Kid said...

Oops, I meant 'done its job', not 'done it's job' - no apostrophe. Yeah, it helps you catch up on your reading, G, so I suppose that's a plus.

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