Saturday 18 May 2024


Same as last week - I could hardly stay awake through it.  Exterminate!  'Nuff said.


Monty said...

Or stay 'awoke' even.

Kid said...

I see what you did there, M.

Rip Jagger said...

Your post on this series reminded me I had not yet watched it, so I did. I'm not bothered by the new Doctor that much, save that he seems to hop around an awful lot. Constant hectic motion seems to be a prime directive on the series. The interior of the TARDIS is even built like a track. The storyline is interesting but not yet engaging. It smacks a bit too much at this stage of what they did with earlier companions. One thing that annoyed me much like the hopping about was the music score which never seemed to quit. No silences to make the music stand out. Frankly it seems this series is for people diagnosed with ADHD. Most of the Doctors work too hard at it for the first several episodes before they find a groove. I'm hoping this one will as well. The Goblins were great fun. I liked the Maestro as well.

Kid said...

I didn't mind the Goblins at all and thought the episode, overall, was quite entertaining, RJ, but the last three have just bored me rigid. There's really nothing that we haven't seen before countless times. I'll see what the rest are like, though I don't hold out much hope.

Colin Jones said...

I've just finished watching a couple of episodes from the new series and I thought the music-themed one was dreadful but the one where the Doctor steps on a landmine was quite enjoyable. I also watched the final episode of 'The War Games' from June 1969 which was Patrick Troughton's farewell as the Doctor and it's also my earliest TV memory - I was only 3 years and 4 months old at the time!

Kid said...

Do you mean to say you actually remember watching it back then, CJ? That's amazing, as most people (me excepted) don't usually remember back that far.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, the Timelords allow the Doctor to choose his next face and that's the only bit of the episode that stuck in my mind but even that memory was flawed because I'd thought the Doctor chose Jon Pertwee's face which doesn't actually happen and the episode ends without the Doctor choosing a face at all. I watched this episode (on BBC iPlayer) a few months ago but I decided to watch it again this morning. Steve of Steve Does Comics has said that he remembers William Hartnell regenerating into Patrick Troughton when he (Steve) was only two and a half years old.

Kid said...

What I find strange about that is that SDC doesn't seem to remember any comic he's ever read in his life, so why should it be different for TV shows? I didn't get to choose MY face, but fortunately, Nature gifted me with an extremely handsome one. I couldn't have picked better myself.

Woke and proud said...

Get over yourself you racist, homophobic piece of shit. We all know why you've decided beforehand you're going to do nothing but criticise. Asshole. You're a waste of air.

Kid said...

Uh-oh, the nutter's back. 'We' all know? Why do you presume to talk for anyone other than yourself? My, such hatred merely because I said I was bored rigid. You should ask your nurse to up your medication, saddo. And is anyone forcing you to read this blog? I'm beginning to think you fancy me.

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