Tuesday 28 November 2023



Almost eight-and-a-half years back, I published two 'Pot-Luck' cover galleries of some issues of The Mighty World Of Marvel, which you've probably forgotten about after all this time (if you even saw them, that is).  I meant to do a third part but never got around to it, so I thought I'd remedy that little oversight right now.  I think some of the covers on show here appeared previously on the blog as I acquired them and two of them appeared in a post about Anniversary issues, though this is the first time that all six of them have shared the same blog post.  The sixth cover adorned the very last issue of MWOM (under that appellation) before it was revamped and renamed Marvel Comic (keeping the same numbering) the following week.

Incidentally, if you did see the other two related posts at the time, I've now added to them with new replacements acquired since 2015, so why not check them out?!  They can be seen here and here.  What with my previous posts about early issues of MWOM, plus the three 'Pot-Luck' ones, I've now shared the covers of every issue I own of this esteemed UK title from the '70s.  Go on - leave a comment and let me know what you think.


Oops!  I got it wrong - would you believe it?  (Whaddya mean "Yeah!")  I did do a part three, which I've just found on the blog, but it only had four covers on it.  This one's got six, so you're getting something extra this time 'round.  My memory's getting worse - just what am I like, eh?  


  1. I had only the last two of those. MWOM #300 was only three weeks after the merger with Complete FF so I'd started reading MWOM again to follow the FF. I didn't realise Sgt Fury had already appeared in MWOM before the launch of his 'Fury' comic - I'd thought his debut in MWOM was when 'Fury' was cancelled and then merged with MWOM. In my opinion Sgt Fury didn't belong in a superhero comic!

  2. Do you think that Sgt Fury belong in a company that produced superhero comics then, CJ? I suppose Marvel UK had noticed that other British weeklies often included war stories and thought they'd give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I suppose.

  3. I had all these issues and probably like yourself I had every issue from number 1. The quality of MWOM by this time was pretty poor and although I bought these I rarely read them ( I purchased out of habit) . Sgt Fury was the first Marvel title I picked up as a kid so I have a soft spot for the character. I agree with Colin in that I don't think Fury fitted the title.

  4. I don't know about it fitting the title, McS, but it was by Lee & Kirby and gave the comic variety - as well as filling space so as not to use up the superhero inventory too quickly. I think I had every issue of MWOM and SMCW from #1, but like you say, they weren't as good by this time as they had been.

  5. I used to buy MWOM and SMCW avidly from the first issues, but have no memory of when exactly I stopped buying them - probably around the time that the initial runs caught up with the colour comics. I think that Planet of the Apes weekly was the last regular weekly I bought, once they had finished adapting Battle For the Planet of the Apes.

  6. I can't remember either when I gave up on some weeklies, B, as far as buying them regularly. I'd still buy the occasional issue of an abandoned title if I spotted something about it that appealed to me, like a particular cover or story, or a free gift. Star Wars Weekly #71 seems to have been one I bought purely for the cover.

  7. Although the cover proclaimed a landmark issue, MWOM # 300 wasn't very good. It was a shame, it still being a fantastic comic, not that many issues before. Unfortunately, the stories had mostly ran out of steam, with art inferior to what had gone before.


  8. I was in Forbidden Planet Glasgow yesterday and they are selling an issue of SMCW (possib!y issue 139?) for £20 as it's the first UK appearance of Morbius. Seems extreme to me .

  9. Yeah, I didn't think that 300 was really up to much either, P. The non-glossy cover era was the best, I'd say.


    I don't really understand the pricing on reprints, McS, whether it's Marvel UK or Alan Class comics. You'd think the original appearance of a character in a US mag would be the ones that people would want, not inferior reprints. I can see someone who wants to replace an item they had in their youth being prepared to pay a bit more, but not as high as some sellers are asking for.

  10. I've always liked the cover of MWOM #329 and it was a nice cover with which to end the comic's long run (well, 6 years and 3 months seemed a long time in those days). The cover is dated January 17th 1979 which was exactly one month before my 13th birthday.

  11. Well, it didn't quite end, CJ, did it? Merely shortened its name while continuing the same numbering. It regenerated - just like Dr Who. I was still only 13 when MWOM first appeared in 1972. (Though just a kick in the pants off 14.)

  12. Do you like Milky Bar, Kid? I ask because my local Tesco is selling Milky Bar Gold which is caramel-flavoured. I bought a bar yesterday but I haven't tasted it yet. In Tesco's Christmas aisle I saw a Terry's Chocolate Orange crunchy-toffee flavour so I must try that too.

  13. I do like Milky Bar, CJ, and I think I saw the MB Gold last week sometime, but forgot to buy one. I think I'll give the Chocolate Orange crunchy-toffee a miss though. Don't want to risk breaking my teeth.


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