Monday 10 July 2023


I used to have loads of Comic Book Foldees when I was a kid, but whether I ever had the full set of 44, I just can't recall.  A few months ago, although I considered buying the first one, I decided instead to buy the one above (No. 3), Superman, who should've been No.1, don't you think?  (Newsflash - after typing the previous sentence I went straight on to eBay and purchased it - The Flash, in case you wanted to know.  I've also just bought No. 16, Saturn Girl, 'cos she's a real cosmic cutie.)

Anyway, I'll add them to this post when they arrive, but in the meantime, I thought I'd repeat the post wherein I described how I obtained a 'replacement' many years after they first on sale.  That's it below, read on...


Or FOLDEE (singular) to be precise, as I can find only one - but what a one it is.  'Twas Scots comicbook writer GRANT MORRISON who gave it to me at a comic mart in Glasgow a goodly number of years back.  I'd just purchased the first two DENNIS The MENACE books, and Grant had just bought several Foldees when we ran into one another.  We chatted away for a bit, and as he checked out his new acquisitions he noticed he had a 'doubler'.  "Do you want it?" he asked, obviously trying to ingratiate himself with me as I'm ultra-famous and everybody wants to be my pal.  (Hey, I'm writing this post so I'll tell it my way, reality be damned!)

"Sure, thanks very much!" I replied, and that's how the above Foldee came into my grateful possession.  As for Grant, I don't know what happened to him - he's likely living in abject poverty and wondering why he never made it as big as me.  However, some of us are born to greatness and some of us aren't, so he shouldn't feel bitter about his relative obscurity in comparison to myself.  Oh, here comes the nurse with a little cocktail of funny-coloured pills for me to take so I'd better wrap things up now and climb into my long-sleeved pyjamas.  I wish they'd find me an ordinary pair, because I can't scratch my @rse when it gets itchy through the night.  What we comicbook superstars have to put up with, eh?

Anyway, enjoy looking at the Foldee and remembering your childhood.  Any reminiscences you'd care to share will be most welcome in the comments section, so get typing, Criv-ites.


  1. Philip Crawley11 July 2023 at 00:33

    I remember those, though I'd completely forgotten they existed until seeing them here, the memory of them consigned to the part of my brain labelled 'stuff you haven't seen in decades and don't need to waste grey matter on'. An area I'm sure is fast piling up with content as the years pass!

    I may even still have a few kicking about the place, though God knows where, 'cause I don't.
    The things that we use to amuse ourselves with and pass the time in the years before the internet or Fidget Spinners (now that's one that was forgotten mere minutes after seeing somebody with one).

  2. I loved these as a kid and swapped them with my pals, I used have loads of them as well. Great to see these again

  3. Good to hear from you, PC, where and how've you been? I'm often surprised at what I've seemingly forgotten until I see and remember it again, and I'm sure there's loads of stuff that fall into that category

    Regarding the Foldee in the old post, I know I've still got it, but I can't recall where it is. I thought I knew, but when I looked there, I just couldn't find it - though I'm sure it'll turn up when (and where) I least expect it.

    Don't be a stranger now.


    Good to hear from you, too, McS - and anyone else who responds to this post. Should you like one for old time's sake, they're available on eBay at reasonable prices, though some sellers seem to think they're worth a fortune. (Always the same, isn't it?)

    1. I bought 2 in Brighton Kid - £1 each so happy with them

  4. I'd never heard of Foldees until now so Crivens is educating me again!

  5. One day you'll be the most educated man in Blogger-land, CJ. (After me, that is.)

  6. That's a great price, McS - you should see some of the asking prices on eBay. Outrageous. Mine were fairly inexpensive though, £2 or £3 each.

  7. I've never seen these before either. Always good to see something new - even if it is old. Were these sold more in Scotland?

  8. Philip Crawley12 July 2023 at 00:25

    Funnily enough I just had a look where I thought the hadfull of Foldees I had were and they were nowhere to be found, which has me wondering if I do in fact have them any more. As is often the case I'll be looking for something else one day and there they'll be. The perils of hanging onto too much of your past!

    As for where I've been - in a word - life! Sometimes it throws you curveballs that take your attention away from what you'd like to be doing to what you have to do. Things have settled a bit so back to browsing and other more distracting pursuits. Each time I've looked in the posts have been on topics I can't really comment on, Brit comics and the like that never made it over here to Aus.

    Now, where could those Foldees be...?

  9. I don't think so, M, they'd have been sold across the UK in equal measure, I'd have thought.


    Hopefully, they're only playing hide and seek with you, PC, and will pop up when you least expect it. I'll probably buy a few more Foldees, but only ones I really like, I'm not going to aim for the full set.


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