Sunday 9 July 2023


Copyright DC COMICS

Another great Facsimile Edition for you to add to your collections, Crivs, but there's a bit of a mystery to this one.  In DC's The Silver Age Doom Patrol Omnibus volume which includes this tale, it's printed from brand-spanking new proofs and looks as new and as fresh as tomorrow.  However, the contents of this facsimile have been scanned from an original published comic, complete with all of its imperfections and I'm bound to wonder why.

Anyway, still worth having, so run out and buy one as soon as you can!  (And that's my original issue below.)

Below - Facsimile Edition and original issue side-by-side.


  1. Thanks to your tip last week I was looking for this one. It's a beaut. I also found and gathered up the facsimiles for Amazing Spider-Man #121 and #122. I'd forgotten how potent the artwork by Kane and Romita was. They were a fantastic team on that book, equal in terms of what the title required to Kirby and Sinnott on the Fab 4.

  2. I don't disagree, RJ, but I think I perhaps preferred Romita's and Mooney's artistic collaboration on Spidey. Anyway, glad you got the mags. I see they're doing a 2nd printing of Wolverine's first appearance in facsimiles of Hulk #s 180 & 181, and X-Men #101 is due out soon, too.


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