Sunday 23 April 2023


Copyright relevant owner

The age of innocence, when certain words didn't have the same meaning as they do today, is on display in the above page from the TV Comic Annual for 1963, in which the word 'tosser' is used without a hint of embarrassment as someone's surname.  How times have changed, eh?

Talking of that particular Annual, take a look at the seller's photos (below) of one I bought recently for a mere £2 on eBay.  As you can see, it was colour-worn around the edges and didn't have a spine, but I soon rectified that.  Of course, without reference to the original spine, it probably bears little resemblance to it, but I feel I managed to create one that complements the book and doesn't look out of place.

Paeans of praise are most welcome in the comments section.

(Incidentally, there was actually a TV show called Gardening Club which ran from 1955 to '67, but none of the presenters had a name even vaguely resembling 'Roy Tosser', so it isn't a parody of any specific individual.  Update: Ah, the penny has dropped, thanks to AL's comment in the [where else?] comments section.)


In case you're wondering about the alternate post title, the book has an inscription inside, showing that it belonged to Bryan Kidd and was a 1962 Christmas present from his 'mammy and daddy'.  (No, Bryan, you can't have it back.)

And now for the 'after' photos.  Didn't I do well?!  Of course, I couldn't restore it to anywhere near pristine condition, but I think it's definitely an improvement on what it was 'before'.

That's not a white crease along the bottom, just the camera flash


Andrew L said...

Great job on restoring the annual. I remember getting that one for Christmas but sadly it would have Been thrown out a few years later. I think the surname of Tosser is a reference to the well known gardener. Percy Thrower

Kid said...

Of course, as Percy was one of the presenters on the show. Had the strip character been called 'Percy Tosser' I'd have got it immediately, but the 'Roy' threw me off.

John Pitt said...

As always, you do a sterling job with restoration, Kidda.
Now then, as regards words not being offensive in the past brings to mind more than one occasion when I actually read Fred Flinstone saying the word "BOLLIX" in children's comics!
Apparently it isn't a rude word over in the USA and nobody seemed to read the lettering to "Anglosise" the text?

Kid said...

Was it actually a US comic, JP, or a reprint in a UK comic? The reason I ask is because the UK sometimes reprinted US strips that had been translated into foreign editions, then back into English by British editors for reprinting in the UK. Some of the translations were terrible.

Ken said...

Fast forward twenty years and ‘Mr Tosser the gardener’ sounds ready made for a Viz strip.


John Pitt said...

It was in two separate UK comics. I have heard him saying it on the telly as well! (Must be one of his favourite phrases?)

John Pitt said...

AND...he even corrupted Wilma with his foul language!!

Kid said...

Wouldn't even have to be a gardener, K, he could be anything.


That's interesting, JP. I'd have thought British editors would've amended the word to something else. Watched the YouTube clip - isn't that Wilma a potty mouth?!

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