Tuesday 6 September 2022


Copyright BBC TV

With the recent acquisition of the above issue, first released in 1980, I've returned 42 years into the past and filled a gap in my collection.  When Doctor Who Weekly first came out, I bought it regularly for at least the first dozen issues, then gave up on it until #33, when it started reprinting The Daleks strip from TV Century 21.  However, I only noticed that issue 38 was missing last week while looking through a box, though it's possible I knew of its absence at the time and had simply forgotten.  Anyway, it's here now and only cost a few measly quid to obtain, though considering that #41 is the last weekly ish I own, perhaps I should thinking about plugging a few more gaps.

So a 42 year span seemingly wiped out at a stroke with the addition of one missing issue, allowing me to return in my mind to the early '80s and remedy an oversight that should never have happened - a thrilling adventure in time and space indeed!  Incidentally, I've used the seller's photo, 'cos I'm too tired to shift a pile of comics from off my scanner - I'll add my own pic at a later date (now done).

If anyone would like to see a cover gallery of all 21 of my Doctor Who Weekly issues then let me know before I put them away in a box in my cupboard again.


  1. I lost interest in Doctor Who Weekly after the 3rd or 4th issue but I'd still like to see a cover gallery.

  2. I'm not 100% sure whether I gave up with #12, CJ, or continued to buy a few issues when I saw it, then later gave them away to a pal because I missed one or two, leaving 12 as the cut-off point. That's one vote for a cover gallery - anyone else?

  3. I'm not a Dr Who fan but I did buy the first issue which had nice art by Dave Gibbons Another comic that's hard to believe came out over 40 years ago, where did the years go?

  4. The Year Snatcher stole them when we weren't looking, McS. The thievin' buggah!

  5. Kid, I assume you'll want a memento of the Queen for your collection but you've probably already got some coins or stamps with her head on.

    And where's this promised Dr Who Weekly cover gallery??

  6. I don't particularly feel the need for a memento, CJ, but my parents bought various items over the years with her image on them so they'll do me. And as you say, I already have stamps and coins bearing her queenly visage.

    Not much energy at the moment and scanning is a 'standing up' job, though hopefully it won't be too long now.


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