Saturday 10 September 2022


Characters copyright their respective owners

As promised, here's the Doctor Who Weekly cover gallery for all Who fans.  These are comics I've owned since they were first published*, with the exception of #38 which I acquired only recently.  Perhaps I'll buy #42 (and maybe a couple more) to round off the numbers, though I haven't decided for sure yet.  (42 now added.)  Just think - these comics are more than 40 years old, and one glance at them takes me right back to that era faster than I can blink.  Have you any memories associated with these comics, Crivvies?  Then be sure to share them with your fellows in the comments section.

Coming soon(ish) - The Fantastic Four!


*Actually, come to think of it, I own three copies of the first ish, and the one shown here is a later one I acquired.  My original first issue is in a folder somewhere, though I think I showed it on the blog a few years back.

Note the misspelling of actor ROGER DELGADO's name


  1. I definitely had #1 and probably the first four or so. I don't know why I lost interest in Dr Who Weekly considering I regularly watched the TV series.

  2. Maybe not enough brand-new comic strip content, CJ? The mag is too much of a geek-fest for my tastes nowadays and has been for a long time. They occasionally do some interesting articles, but too many of them are nothing but padding. Their Dalek Special was a masterpiece though.

  3. I had them all from No 1 but gave it away in 1993. I found once it turned into a monthly it started to get repetitive . I lost count of the number of interviews with Nicholas Courtenay. It was a good magazine though when it first hit the shelves

  4. I think when it became a magazine it was a bit too 'anal', LH. I really wasn't interested in the interviews - it was the comic strips and articles on Dr. Who collectables I preferred.


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