Tuesday 27 September 2022



Lovely Sue Storm graces our Babe
spot today.  Okay, she might be only a
drawing (by Alex Ross, no less), but she
certainly 'draws' my attention.  Very few
 men could fail to notice her charms.


McSCOTTY said...

Are you going to buy the new Alex Ross F2F comic Kid?

Kid said...

F2F? Is that the Full Circle FF story I've heard about? Probably will.

Colin Jones said...

I've never really liked Alex Ross's art. I don't deny he's very talented but his art is much too realistic-looking for me.

Kid said...

H'mm, but can art be 'much too realistic-looking', CJ? Don't you like this pic of Sue? (Careful - that's my burd, remember.)

Colin Jones said...

Yes, it's a nice pic and Alex Ross also drew a great cover for the revived 'Savage Sword Of Conan' #1 in 2019 but mostly his art reminds me of those Soviet and Nazi posters showing patriotic labourers in heroic poses.

Kid said...

H'mm, interesting viewpoint, CJ. Any other Crivvies think along those lines?

McSCOTTY said...

I like Ross's art but I'm not keen on his work on this FF book. For me he is trying to paint it in a realistic Kirby style and the realistic Ross style and the more abstract/action Kirby style don't merge. I would have preferred he painted it like he did in DCs "Justice" series etc.

Kid said...

I haven't seen it yet, McS, but once/if I do, I'll let you all know what I think of it. (Yes, I know - you're counting the seconds.)

McSCOTTY said...

're that pic, Sue looks like she has 3 boobs, no wonder you love her lol

Kid said...

No she doesn't, McS. If she did, they'd have to be three skinny boobs, not quite symmetrically placed. That's merely a shadow interrupting the highlights on her right boob, as anyone who knows anything about art would tell you. (Sue, don't listen to him, he's only jealous that it's me you love and not him.)

McSCOTTY said...

It looks like 3 to me Kid 😁

Kid said...

In that case, McS, you need to get straight down to Vision Express and book yourself an appointment - your eyes are failing you.

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