Friday 6 May 2022


Images copyright their respective owners

Recently, I revealed (here) that I discovered I was one issue (#2) short of a full set of TV Film Memorabilia, a monthly magazine that lasted for 20 issues (and an 'Annual') around 15 or so years back.  I promptly jumped over to eBay and there was the very ish just waiting for me, complete with free gift.  However, I could no longer recall whether or not I ever had the gift that came with the first issue, so I tracked one down, bought it, and it arrived yesterday.

I still can't remember if I had the first gift at the time, but at least I have it now, even if I had to buy a second copy of the first number in order to obtain it.  As they're at hand, I thought I'd show you the cover of #1 plus its freebie, just so you can see what they looked like.  I'm still a bit puzzled as to how I never noticed I was missing #2 until 15 years later, as I always believed I had a complete set, but it just goes to show that even my mighty brain has its blind spots.  (Okay, who laughed when I said 'mighty brain'?)

Anyone ever buy this mag back in the day, and if so, what did you think of it?

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