Tuesday 3 May 2022


Had she lived, my dog Zara would've been 36 today.  Yes, I know dogs don't live that long, but sometimes I think it would be nice if they did.  Without a word of a lie, I still wake up some days and wonder for a moment where she is, before remembering she passed 24 years ago.  Anyway, she was born on May 3rd 1986, so Happy Birthday Zara.  She was a great dog.


  1. Your love for Zara after all these years is very touching, Kid. Imagine a world where humans only lived as long as dogs and cats.

  2. We'd have to mature a lot faster than we do, CJ. And, tragically, there are those who aren't fortunate enough to survive beyond a dog or cat's lifetime.

  3. I still miss my wee dog after 38 years - jeez that's a long time ago, it's the first time I've written that down.

  4. Time passes so quickly compared to when we were young, eh, McS? Nowadays I'm always wondering where my life went. I blinked when I was 30 - and suddenly I'm twice as old.

  5. Philip Crawley6 May 2022 at 09:25

    Life passes so quickly and you really are reminded of that fact when you own a pet, which you will inevitably outlive; we had cats for years before becoming 'dog people', our last dog lived to 9 years, our current dog is 12 but still behaves like a two-year-old, but I'm sure there will come a day when he suddenly realises that he's an old dog and starts behaving like an old dog.

    Aside from that, as I have probably said before, all you can do is live in the moment, as I am doing now, having arrived home from work and poured myself a drink to celebrate surviving another week, as the effects of the drink kick in and things go fuzzy around the edge (and you won't believe how many typos I've had to go back and correct!).

    But I can totally identify with how attached you can become with canine companions - I can't imagine what life will be like without out current furry houshold member.

  6. It's scary at times isn't it? I can't believe I'm heading for retirement that's for other folk not me, not yet! I'll need to start saving for my Stena stairlift soon.

  7. The other thing, PC, is that as we get older, the lifespan of our pets seems shorter. For instance, Zara lived to around 12 years 7 months, whereas her predecessor, Tara, got to 11 and a half. Zara's life didn't seem to be anywhere near as long as Tara's, even though she lived a year longer. The paradoxes of time continue to amaze me. I wouldn't get another dog now, as my own life would seem to pass as quickly as the dog's, which would feel like no time at all - even if it lasted for 15 years.


    Stairlift, Zimmer Frame, incontinence pants, hearing aids, false teeth, spectacles, etc., McS - we've got all of that to look forward to. And the memory goes. Now what did I come in here for?

  8. Your pet is a family member.
    We got a two year old cat and everyone loves her to bits ( she came from Ukraine of all places). Before that we had two chinchillas and one of them lives-19 years I kid you not.

  9. I remember you telling me about your Chinchillas, PS. 19 years is great going for a pet - and you're right, pets are members of the family.


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