Tuesday 3 May 2022


For regular reader LH's and Crivvies' eyes only, Thunderbird 2 from over 20 years ago, manufactured by Vivid Imaginations.  Good toy, but one flaw was that the pod dipped a bit at the front when off the ground, compromising the smooth contours of the craft in profile.  Simple solution - I added a small, thin piece of plastic under the protuberance at the back of the pod (see 3rd pic) which a lever held in place until released.  My addition pushed the pod's front top slightly higher, keeping it aligned with the rest of the vehicle.

The bigger sized version suffered from the same flaw, but I fixed that in the same way.  Is there no beginning end to my talents?  Anyway, LH, is this the beastie that you have?  And if any of you other Crivvies had this toy, tell us all about it in the comments section.


  1. Yep that's the wee beastie. I have a complete one with the mole in the pod and a second with an exhaust missing off both the Thunderbird 2 and Thunderbird 4 in its pod. I like your idea of the piece of plastic on the pod. Will do the same to mine. Thanks for posting the photos

  2. Nae bother, LH. Remember, the sliver of plastic (green or clear) goes under the bit at the back that the lever supports. Care is required.


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