Thursday 10 March 2022


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

I recall first reading these two Daleks pages from TV Century 21 on separate mornings (a week apart) on my way to school back in 1965, and I've never forgotten them since - or indeed the precise point where I was on my route when I read them.  One thing that never occurred to me to wonder about at the time though, was where the heck the Emperor suddenly procured a handy-dandy, life-size inflatable plastic copy of himself to fool his pursuer.  Doesn't withstand scrutiny when it comes to looking for logic in these two strips featuring the Scions of Skaro, does it?

Can any of you Crivvies come up with a plausible explanation for where the inflatable Emperor came from?  If so, then let yourselves loose in the comments section.  


  1. Don’t you carry a life size inflatable copy of yourself in your wallet ? I thought everyone did.

  2. Not in my wallet, PS, in my signet ring - it inflates on contact with air. (And Daleks don't have wallets.)

  3. Perhaps he stored an inflatable life-size copy of himself inside that giant head - there must be plenty of room!

    Another mystery is how the Emperor and Zog move around so easily in open country and swamps when it's a well-known fact that Daleks can only operate on completely flat floors :D

  4. He's got an extra-sized huge brain that he keeps in that giant head, CJ. Plus his week's supply of Werther's Originals.

    And it can't be that well-known a fact about flat floors, because The Daleks don't seem to know it.

  5. Kid, if you pop over to Paul McScotty's blog you can read my response to a question you asked in your comment there.

  6. Daft story but stunning artwork and strangely i am interested in how it ended for Zog

  7. Will do, CJ.


    Zeg gets killed, McS - blown up, I think.


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