Wednesday 9 March 2022


The amazing Sybil Danning is in her wetsuit 'cos
we just had a water pistol fight in the big 'red room'.  My
gun's bigger than hers and consequently holds more water,
so I won.  I've made her positively moist, don't you think?
(Behave yourselves, you smutty-minded lot.)


  1. This looks like it comes from Sybil's Black Diamond period. She was a stunning super-spy all set for a low-budget flick but apparently never happened. The AC Comics are a treat as the character was nestled into their little fledgling universe:

  2. Ta for the link, RJ. Sybil was kind enough to comment on one of my posts about her a couple or so years back, and also gave Crivens a shout-out on her own site. How cool is that, a total goddess even knowing I exist?

  3. In my review of "Housewife Report" I've included four screenshots of Sybil Danning at 18, looking nothing like she did later in life. See

  4. I'll take a wee look, MH, though I may well have them already as I have some when she was much younger (and still gorgeous).

  5. After posting, I noticed that you've already seen the page I quoted. You left a comment on it! But there's something you might not know. The English Wikipedia page says she was born in 1952. The German Wikipedia page says that she was born in 1947, adding that the claims she was born in 1952 are on websites that can't be verified.

  6. Well, it's a woman's prerogative to knock a few years off her age, MH. I won't hold it against her. (Remember, you're responsible for your own innuendo.)


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