Monday 1 November 2021



As most of you will already know, 2000 A.D.'s proposed name at the 'dummy' stage was A.D. 2000, which doesn't really have the same flow to it.  I've seen some images online before, but now I own my very own facsimile edition, just recently acquired.  I believe it's a 'giveaway' to those who take out a subscription to the comic, so all those who want one should jump over to the Rebellion website and check out the details and cost.

In the meantime here are a few images to whet your appetite.  Don't say I'm not good to you.


  1. I wasn't aware 2000AD was to be called AD 2000 . The Invasion 1988 art looks amazing is that by Jesus Blasco of Steel Claw fame it looks like his work.

  2. It was only a working title, McS. The fact it was changed shows that it wasn't set in stone. Blasco drew only the first three episodes of Invasion, I believe.

  3. I loved the Visible Man. I had a Best of 2000AD issue once that reprinted the full saga. Great stuff that deserves a modern reprint.

  4. Was it all reprinted in the one issue, DS, or serialised over several? I've got a few (the first three anyway) of The Best Of 2000 A.D., and I seem to recall seeing the first episode in one of them. I think it's a cert a modern reprint will appear eventually.


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