Monday 1 November 2021



Should've alerted you to this sooner, but doubtless you've seen it mentioned on other blogs.  I had to wait 'til I received my copy direct from Rebellion as my local WHS didn't get it in.  I was in on the day of release - 6th - but they hadn't heard of it and couldn't say when or even if it was due.  I looked in the comics section, the magazines section, and the bookazines section every other day for a couple of weeks or so, but no joy.

The guy in charge of the periodicals department is totally useless.  He sometimes doesn't put stuff out on the basis that it gets stolen (his excuse, he's probably just too lazy) and he took seven issues (after I'd bought two) of the first Cor!! Buster Special off the shelves after a few days and put them in the back of the shop.  It wasn't until I complained to the manageress that they were put back on the shelves after a period of about two weeks or thereabouts.  Rebellion are paying for shelf space and being cheated.

My own view is that the guy should've been sacked years ago, but who listens to me?  One of the most useless and unhelpful shop assistants I've ever encountered.  Anyway, vent over.  This mag is meant to be on sale until December 1st, so try and grab a copy before then.  Some nice stuff in it, but I think it will appeal more to nostalgic adults rather than kids. 


  1. It is always interesting to see which magazines are kept behind the counter because they are regularly stolen. It is commonly publications such as Gay Times whose readers are too shy. In a Glasgow branch it is always the Celtic View, but never the Rangers News. In Hamilton they keep the People's Friend of all things from thieving pensioners.

  2. I'm surprised at your first point, PP. I think that may've been the case many years ago, but gay people seem far from shy nowadays. As I've said before, it used to be 'the love that dare not speak its name', but nowadays it's 'the love that won't shut the feck up'. (Oh dear, now someone's bound to make a sly insinuation by saying I'm 'obsessing' about gays again, when all I'm doing is responding to your comment.)

    Maybe it's Rangers supporters stealing The Celtic View so that Celtic supporters can't find it on the shelves, eh? (Or am I just 'obsessing' about sectarianism?)

    Pensioners stealing People's Friend? Sad what senility drives some folk to do, isn't it? (Or am I just 'obsessing' about People's Friend and Pensioners?)

    There's no doubt about it - I'm a rascal.

  3. I really enjoyed the Monster Fun special and I look forward to the regular bi-monthly in 2022. Some WH Smith's shops have kids comics on the top shelves next to Viz etc but at least the Hamilton WH Smith's are getting good at racking comics and mags properly. They even had the new Pat Mills "Spacewarp" comic.

  4. Didn't know about Spacewarp, McS - look any good? Isn't it strange why WHS employ people who don't have a bloody clue when it comes to where comics should go?

  5. It's like an early 2000AD but a magazine format. Not as good art wise as 2000AD but it looks interesting.

  6. I'll keep an eye out for it, McS, ta much.

  7. Funnily enough my local wh smith got this in on day of release and in the regular comic section. Makes up for their Xmas annual delay. Very nice comic

  8. It's a mystery as to why my Local WHS didn't get it, AL. I still suspect it's hidden away in the back of the shop.


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