Monday, 25 October 2021


Most Doctor Who fans will likely already know about the latest ish of this great publication, but it won't hurt to remind some of you who may've forgotten.  Mine arrived today, along with a combined reprint issue of #s 1 & 2, and assorted freebies that come with #4.  I've already got #3 (which came out quite a while ago), so that's me now got the complete set so far as contents go.

So if you haven't yet bought your copy/ies, jump over to the following link now: and part with some dosh.


  1. Vworp Vworp is an astonishing magazine. I think it has more depth and interesting content than the official Doctor Who Magazine has had for some time. Must confess that I didn't know there was a new issue, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it and I'd recommend it to anyone.

  2. Yes, I'd agree with you, DS, about it having a more interesting content (in the main) than DWM. However, VV takes years to produce an issue, so they have more time to fine-tune what goes into it. You might find it on sale in some comics shops, but the surest way of getting it is from the link in the blog post.

  3. I must admit I have never heard of Vworp Vworp so I can't really make any comments. But as for Dr Who Magazine I gave up my subscription in the mid 90s. I found it got too repetitive and started to get off the subject. I'm not interested in knowing how many times a week Nicholas Courtney went to the supermarket or Colin Baker loves cats.Surprsingly it's still in production. Hope Vworp Vworp doesnt milk the subject

  4. H'mm, if it was a monthly publication, LH, some people might think that it does milk the subject, but I don't think that the articles (in the main) are quite as banal as some of the DWM ones can be. The thing it's got going for it is/are free gifts and comic strips in the style of the past. The latest issue has new Doctor Who strips in the style of Countdown, original logo and all.


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