Monday 25 October 2021



Yet another entry in our occasional series of Comic Covers 'Snap', this time Conan The Barbarian #25 paying 'homage' (a nice word for 'ripping off') to Amazing Fantasy #15.  Good looking covers, eh?  I wonder if the Conan one will ever be worth as much as the Spidey one?  Yeah, I know - unlikely.

And, below, the better to compare with, both covers side-by-side.


  1. This is a variant cover - the official cover of Conan The Barbarian #25/#300 features Conan and Belit side-by-side in fighting pose. I don't own the comic but I downloaded the cover to my phone a few weeks ago.

  2. Yup, knew that, CJ, 'cos I just looked at them all (and ordered one, though not this cover) before I did the post.

  3. I quite like these types of cover but sometimes they look so out of place. This one is ok as the homage version fits the characters. I reckon FF 1 has to have the most "homage" covers to its credit. Both these are nice covers and while imho at least, the Conan one is the superior illo the original has a charm all of its own that seems to flow better (if that makes sense).

  4. The difference may be down to one being line art and the other a painting, McS. I still don't know why Kirby drew a stunted Boris Karloff under Spidey's arm in that AF cover. And Spidey's left arm is far too long. Still, it has impact.

  5. Sorry to go off topic but I thought I would let you know that my local W h Smith finally got the Xmas annuals in today. Got the beano dandy special the broons oor wullie special and two Rupert annuals one for me and one for one of my chums. £52 worth of books for £20. Well worth the wait !!

  6. Glad you got them, AL, but I suspect they've been sitting in the back of the shop for several weeks (at least) and they've only just got their finger out and put them on sale. I know for a fact that my local WHS used to do that, but they haven't done it for a while.

  7. Kid, are you buying Conan #25 because it's the final issue? I was in Tesco yesterday and I bought the novel "Silverview" by John Le Carre which is his final novel, published posthumously as he died last December. I've never bought any of John Le Carre's books before but I decided to buy this one because it's his final one.

    While in Tesco I saw The Beano (or just Beano) Annual 2022.

  8. I'm buying it because of its anniversary status, CJ. I might buy the rest of them between #3 and 25. (Think I've already got the first three issues.)


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