Saturday 14 August 2021


Diana Rigg - The Avengers

Okay, lads, in no particular order, some
of the TV cuties that we all lusted after when
we were kids or teenagers back in the '60s and
'70s.  Who was your favourite and why?

Alexandra Bastedo - The Champions

Annette Andre - Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)

Honor Blackman - The Avengers

Sue Lloyd - The Baron

Linda Thorson - The Avengers

Gabrielle Drake - UFO

Rosemary Nicols - Department S

Elizabeth Montgomery - Bewitched

Barbara Eden - I Dream Of Jeannie

Louise Jameson - Doctor Who


  1. Nah, never fancied her with her pageboy haircut and plummy tones, CJ.

  2. Louise Jameson (Leela from Doctor Who)?

  3. Oh yeah, fancied her. Didn't everyone? Might add her later.

  4. Right, that's her added, CJ.

  5. I always liked sally geeson from Bless this house and penny spencer and carol Hawkins from please sir

  6. And the burds from Lost In Space were nice, as was Yvonne Craig as Batgirl. Then there's Lee Meriwether and Julie Newmar as Catwoman, and Nichelle Nichols as Uhura. I'll have to do a part two.

  7. Definitely Lee Meriwether from Time Tunnel and Batman and anything female in the Man From Uncle.

  8. And so say all of us, DW.

  9. Alexandra a country mile!!!!!!!!Absolutely amazing.All your choices are excellent but,Alexandra had something about her.Really something special.Keep up the good work and if my wife calls you about the content on this site remember we talk about comics and books and nothing else!!!

  10. If she spots these girlie posts, I'll just say I was hacked, Triple F. No worries.

  11. What? No Wanda Ventham?
    Back in the day, Diana Rigg was #1, supplanted in my affections by Alexandra Bastedo once Ms Rigg had left the Avengers and The Champions started a few years later.

  12. I considered Wanda, B, but she'll appear in part two - whenever that is. Diana left The Avengers in 1968, The Champions started in 1969, so not a big gap.

  13. Diana Rigg on tv. Lee Meriweather as well and I'm glad to say she is a very nice lady at conventions. In movies Racquel Welch. Watch how the entire panel watches her walk off the set
    And of course Caroline Munro. Whom I recall from the Lamb's Navy Rum adverts as well as movies.

  14. What was I thinking in not including Lee Meriwether, PS? (Obviously I WASN'T thinking.) She's definitely going to be in part two.

  15. Gabrielle Drake 100 percent. Her lovely form shown off in several films best of which was Au pair girls in 1972. Stunning

  16. I wouldn't have said no to any of them, had they been interested. (And yes, I know - they wouldn't have been.)


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