Saturday 14 August 2021


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A few short years back I managed to obtain a replacement for my TV Century 21 Summer Extra which I first bought back in 1965.  It was extremely reasonably-priced (I've seen far worse copies only recently at more than twice what I paid), but it didn't contain the free gift - they seldom if ever do.

But hurrah!  Finally managed to track one down and it arrived at Castel Crivens today.  It's complete (apart from the cardboard sheet it was pressed out of), though I've shown only one side of one of the set of strips below.  No point spoiling you, is there?  So it took 56 years, but I got another one in the end.

Anyway, if you remember having this comic and its free gift, let's hear all about it.  Memories are for sharing.


  1. Sorry Kid, but I have zero memories of this TV21 Summer Special. Usually I'd remember free gifts even if I had forgotten the cover - and what a great cover! Glad you were able to snag the free gift to go with the issue in question.

  2. So am I, B - it took me right back to 1965 for a while. Just think, 56 years between my two copies of the free gift. Wow!


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