Sunday 21 February 2021



Got myself a new laptop recently as my old one was Windows Vista and only one browser still fully worked with it.  However, trying to get used to my new one is a bit of a hassle as there are some things on my old one that I can't transfer - such as Picasa 3.  This was discontinued a few years ago, but I could still access it on my previous computer, though now there's no way to download it on my new one today.

This means that I can't do the same 'restoration' work to images that I once used to, which annoys the hell out of me.  Does anyone know if there's a direct equivalent of Picasa that does the exact same things in the exact same way?  Or, even better, can anyone tell me whether it's possible to transfer Picasa from one computer to the other?  Any help would be much appreciated.

But I digress.  Just bought the above comic yesterday via eBay, which was one I originally had back in either 1972 or '73.  The above image isn't of the actual one I purchased, but an earlier one from the Internet that I used in a previous post.  The seller's photos weren't of a good enough quality for me to use, so you'll just have to settle for this one.  I obtained my original copy from a newsagent's in another neighbourhood, at the same time as I bought a Marx Toys wind-up figure of Jerry mouse (of Tom & Jerry fame).

I replaced Jerry a couple of years back (along with Tom, who I never had originally), so with my acquisition of Creepy Worlds #130 (still to arrive), that's the two main items I bought on that particular day in the '70s back under my ownership.  If you'd like to read about it, click here and you'll be magically transported straight to my reminiscences of that long-ago event.


  1. Hope you got it at a decent price. I'm amazed at some of the prices being asked for some of these online. I've been looking for an issue of Creepy Worlds from around 1968/9 on and off for a while now. The cheapest cost I've seen was £19 which I just won't entertain especially when I have seen some Alan Class books at jumble sales/ car boot sales for 50p (and yes I bought them).

  2. I got Uncanny Tales #91, Suspense #121, and Creepy Worlds #130 for £8.51, McS - plus £1.99 p&p, making a grand total of £10.50. I already have the other two, so it was only 130 I was really wanting. It's not pristine, but I'll work some magic on it and it'll be okay. Yeah, the prices one usually sees being asked for these Alan Class comics is a bit on the high side, considering they're poorly printed reprints. I reckon my three were a steal, eh?

  3. Yeah that's a fair price Kid, I won't pay more that £5 for an average Alan Class comic (if I wanted it) and only £10 for the issue I'm after. I had literally 100s of these as a kid as well and gave every one of them away 😒

  4. Interestingly, McS, the acquisition of CW #130 now means that I have every Alan Class comic that I ever owned - or can RECALL owning at least. What's more, the majority of them are the originals, because after giving them to a pal sometime in the late '70s, he returned them around 30 years later. So only a few of the ones I now own are replacements.

  5. I should point out that CW #130 wasn't one of the ones I gave him, because I didn't still have it by that time.

  6. I'm after the 1/- Creepy Worlds 67 ( reprinted as Creepy Worlds 133 - although I'm not sure if all contents were the same as in Issue 67) I have about 25 Alan Class books only 6 are ones I bought at the time, the rest I bought at a Glasgow comic Mart for 50p to £1.50 each. That's good you have all the AC books you had as a kid (,I'd have to buy 100s of them to get that done).

  7. The only 1/- AC mag I remember having is Creepy Worlds #68, which I managed to replace a couple or so years back. I'd read a few of the shilling copies as a kid when we used to visit a former neighbour (in the '60s), but I don't recall owning any - apart from CW #68, which I got from a girl in my class in primary school. I'd swapped her a notebook for it, but we swapped back several days later. All the other Class comics I owned were ones I bought around the late '70s or so, a few of them being new pence copies of the shilling ones I'd read as a kid at the aforementioned former neighbour's.

  8. I don't even know what Picasa is so I can't help there I'm afraid. I bought a new laptop last October but mine is a Chromebook which uses the Google Chrome browser. The Chrome updates only take a few seconds and you don't even need any security software because Google does all that for you. I'd never go back to a Windows laptop.

  9. My laptop has several browsers, CJ, Google Chrome included. It's nice to have a choice.

  10. Turns out I didn't already have the other two issues. I've got the original Tower Comics printing of one of them, and I might've had the other one back in the '70s. Or perhaps the fact that I've got a reprint of it in my DC Thunder Agents volumes is what made it seem familiar to me.


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