Tuesday 15 December 2020


Mighty Marvel Strikes Again...


Yet another couple of True Believers mags that I should've received weeks ago, but which only just arrived yesterday.  I bought the original FF ish of the one above sometime around the first half of 1983 in a newsagent's in Glasgow.  It was a few issues old, but I'd missed it when it first came out.  I was helping out a signwriter I knew that day and he expressed surprise that someone of my age was still buying comics.  Maybe he thought it was a comic for girls because of Sue Richards on the cover, but I didn't care.

Never had and don't have the original ish of the Spidey TB, but I doubtless read the story when it was reprinted in one of the UK weeklies so it'll be good to finally read it in colour.  Jumping back to the FF, I always liked the fact that John Byrne restored the thick black collars that the team had for around three issues back in the '60s as I always preferred them over the subsequent thinner versions.

Anyway, if you don't already have these beauties, you might want to consider adding them to your collection.


  1. I bought the FF issue when it originally came out too but I didn't like the return to the thick black collars as I preferred the thin ones. But I'll take the thick black collars any day over the later thick white ones, yuk!

    The Spidey/Black cat story was printed in Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly during Autumn 1979 - I remember the cover.

  2. I still have my original ish bought lo, those many years ago, CJ - have you?

    1979? Then I'll definitely have read it back then. I don't think I've still got that one though.

    What are you treating yourself to this Christmas, CJ - Conan Epic Collection?

  3. No, my FF copy is long gone, Kid.

    I bought my Christmas present to myself back in October - a Chromebook laptop which cost £349 but it's worth every penny :)

  4. Gasp! But what will you have to open on Christmas day, CJ? I hope you've at least bought yourself a selection box.

    Madonna's coming to my house on Christmas day with her legs crossed. She says I can have fun opening them, but I'm not sure what she means.


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