Wednesday 16 December 2020


It's Only Once A Year...

                     So Christmastime's upon us once again
                     And all our hearts are filled with love and cheer.
                     We show goodwill towards our fellow men
                     But thank the stars it's only once a year.

                     We push our way through crowds and stand in queues
                     To find that 'special gift' for one held dear.
                     And some of us fall prey to 'Christmas blues'
                     So thank the stars it's only once a year.

                     We eat, drink and make merry to excess
                     And overdo things 'til we feel 'quite queer'.
                     We promise that next Christmas we'll spend less
                     And thank the stars it's only once a year.

                     And far above the raucous sounds of fun
                     God wishes Happy Birthday to His Son.


  1. Yours is better but below is a fav of mine (sadly not my own work ):

    I made myself a snowball,
    As perfect as could be,
    I thought I’d keep it as a pet,
    And let it sleep with me.
    I made it some pyjamas,
    And a pillow for its head,
    Then last night it ran away,
    But first - it wet the bed

  2. That's brilliant, McS. I read it somewhere years (or was it centuries?) ago, so thanks for reminding me of it. I honestly think it's a masterpiece. No kidding.

  3. What a great poem from McScotty. I have never heard it before. Short simple and brilliant. Thumbs up. Sorry yours was very good too.👍

  4. You mean I only get a 'very good' compared to McS's 'great', LH? I feel bereft.

  5. Ok I will give you a very very good and that's for keeping the paper clean lol

  6. Bah! Humbug. I want a 'great' or I'm writing to my MP.

  7. Ok ok yer a gooood weee laddie. I will give you it great.

  8. Ach, it's not the same when you have to force someone into it. I'll just have to try harder when I'm writing.


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