Friday 11 December 2020


 I'll See You In The Morning...

Like poems?  Maybe you'll like this one.
Hankies at the ready, three, two, one - go.

            I'll See You In The Morning.

            And so to bed my little lad, I'll see you in the morning,
            there's new adventures to be had with each new day aborning.
            Though not for me alas, my son; my days on Earth are fading,
            the doctor says I'm nearly done and Death comes 'serenading'.
            I'll not be here to watch you grow in each new bright tomorrow,
            I must confess I'm feeling low and in the grip of sorrow.
            I won't be here to hold your hand each time you trip and stumble,
            though not exactly what I planned it does no good to grumble.

            I stand and watch you as you sleep and nearly cry a river,
            you've given me a joy so deep, but now I feel a shiver.
            My time is short, but I'll give thanks as long as I am able,
            though soon enough I'll join the ranks of 'one short at the table'.

            So many things I want to say before I have to leave you,
            it's not my fault I cannot stay, but you'll have mum to cleave to.
            Be strong for her my little man, she'll need you in her sadness,
            give mummy all the help you can and be a source of gladness.

            Perhaps in time she'll wed again; if so my little laddie,
            should that occasion happen, then please don't forget your daddy.
            I'll keep an eye out from above, I'll see your joys and sorrows,
            you'll always have your daddy's love throughout all your tomorrows.

            Goodnight to you my little lad, I'll see you when you waken,
            and I will always be your dad - you will not be forsaken.
            I've stood and watched you for a week since I learned I was dying,
            each night I've stooped and stroked your cheek and couldn't keep from

            Tomorrow I will play a game - pretend that I'm immortal;
            that things will always be the same and I won't pass Death's portal.
            So rest your head my little lad, I'll see you in the morning,
            a bit more time to know your dad - another day's aborning.


Colin Jones said...

On the subject of sad farewells, I've just bought the very last issue of WEB USER magazine which is closing after 19 years of publication. I was never a regular reader but I did buy it on and off over the years so when I saw the final issue on sale I had to have it for old times sake.

Nice poem by the way - did you write it?

Kid said...

Not a mag I'm familiar with, CJ, nor am I sure I've ever heard of it. However, it's always sad when certain parts of our lives (non-horrible parts of course) come to an end.

In answer to your question, I must confess it was me. However, I sometimes use pseudonyms when submitting poems to poetry sites (as I have done from time to time), so there's bound to be those who will disbelieve me if they've seen it before under one of my poetry aliases.

Colin Jones said...

I recently mentioned a book I was reading called "Wisdom Of The Ancients: Life Lessons From Our Distant Past" and here are two more quotes from it which I found quite poignant:

The tide of forgetting is always rising

The act of remembering is one of defiance in the face of passing time

...both are apt for a blog about nostalgia and keeping the past alive.

Kid said...

Very nice, CJ. Another one I like is by Cicero - "Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things." (Until that tide of forgetfulness rises that is.) And, of course, photographs help.

McSCOTTY said...

Nice poem well done enjoyed it

Kid said...

Ta, McS. You're obviously a man of taste and discernment.

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