Wednesday 2 December 2020


Well, don't despair...

Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

I managed to obtain several copies, though it cost me around £25 in train and taxi fares travelling to different locations to collect them from friends who I'd asked to buy them on my behalf.  (I was also lucky enough to get some via mail order, as well as from my local newsagent's, but those ones are mine.)

I could be persuaded to part with a few, but the price would be £18 each, which includes the cover price of the mag (£9.99), plus p&p (which'll cost close to a fiver for recorded delivery, I reckon), plus a little extra to recoup part of my travel expenses when I collected them - I'm not including any new expenses in taking them to the Post Office.  (Yeah, I know - Panini didn't charge p&p [except for next day delivery], but they can absorb the cost better than I can, and they presumably make a bigger profit from online sales as there's no percentage to newsagents.)

Honest, at the end of the day I'll be fortunate to break even, or any 'profit' will be so minuscule as not to be worth the effort, so I'm hardly 'profiteering'.  Anyway, as I said, the only reason I ended up with several was because I asked different people I know to grab a copy if they saw it in case I didn't, as it didn't turn up in my local WHS until recently.  Once they'd bought them (at my request) I felt honour-bound to take them, as I would never renege just because I managed to get copies myself.

Anyway, I don't mind keeping them, and I'd advise checking your local shops first just in case they've now got some in and you can purchase them for cover price, but if not, it's first come, first served if you'd like one of my spare copies.  (UK only I'm afraid, unless you're prepared to pay whatever it costs to post abroad.)  As I say, I'm not out to make money, but neither do I want to lose any.  My main motivation is simply to help you acquire this great publication if you haven't managed to find one for yourself yet - it's a belter!

You can let me know if you're interested - or not, as the case may be.


Update: Just a reminder to check with Panini first, as they may now have some spare copies to sell at cover price.


  1. There's still one copy in W H Smith's in Hamilton (as of today) for anyone close to the town, it's been there for a while.

  2. Quick - if you live in Hamilton, get along to WHS and nab that copy for only £9.99. (I'm surprised that it's still there to be honest, McS. Maybe they don't like the Daleks in Hamilton.)

  3. The first time I saw them there were about 5 issues so I think they've sold pretty well considering. The John Steel copies remain unsold though and there is a new Sexton Blake book. Pity Panini Marvel books are still on hold.

  4. I bought the John Steel book from WHS and quite enjoyed it, though I thought a fiver would've been a more realistic price. Might buy the Sexton Blake one too. The Daleks book sold out almost immediately when it went on sale on the Panini site on the 11th, so probably everybody's got one that wants one by now, but I thought I'd give a few peeps the chance of one if they missed it. £18 is more than I'd like to charge, but I'd be throwing money away if I asked for anything less. Some jokers are asking for ridiculous prices on ebay. I read on a site somewhere that someone paid £60 for one on ebay - phew! Roll on the deluxe, TV21 size, hardback copy. (There's bound to be one some day.)

  5. They Had 4 left at our local WHS in Arnold Nottingham, i left them on the shelf,hopefully they will be bought by fans of the Daleks, or Who, and not E bay scalpers, i didn't even get a back up copy for myself, as I'd already spent £20.00 on the Bowie & Talking Heads mags, would have been £30.00 if they had the Blondie mag too, i just thought £40.00 quid on mags!that seemed a bit too much, now I'm thinking,should i have got a second copy?..just in case.

  6. I really only wanted 3 copies for myself, to match my 3 issues of The Dalek Chronicles from 1994, but I ended up buying 10 because I'd asked friends to buy it if they saw it. I never bought any with the intention of selling on, but why keep 6 extra ones if other people can't even get one? (One copy was sold before I did this post.) I'll hopefully break even, but I could actually still lose a pound or two, depending on how many times I have to go to the Post Office (costs me a fiver each way if I'm too fatigued to walk). I think WHS must've re-stocked, because mine had 3 more copies yesterday. Yeah, grab another one while they're going, RD, having 2 won't hurt.

  7. I Think your right Kid, i do sometimes read while drinking, or eating, one small spill could be disastrous, so a second copy is needed.

  8. Get along to WHS straight away, RD, before they're gone. No bites on my spare copies yet, so I guess most people who wanted one have got a copy, which is good. There'll be some disappointed ebay sellers, to be sure.

  9. Slightly off-topic but still about the Daleks - I've just bought the latest issue of SFX magazine which features the new-look Daleks on the cover (they are due to appear in this year's Who Christmas special) and the mag claims a "world exclusive" but the latest issue of Radio Times also features the new-look Daleks on the cover with an accompanying article inside - so much for SFX's world exclusive!

  10. Rob, I'm not a Dr Who fan so I didn't buy it but got that Bowie special , brilliant stuff. I might check the Talking Heads special as well can you recommend

  11. Is SFX a US or UK publication, CJ? Some US magazines tend to think of the States as the 'world'. However, as the Radio Times is a BBC magazine, maybe SFX's 'world exclusive' only refers to independent mags outside of the arm of the BBC?


    Bowie over The Daleks, McS? You're clearly bonkers. He murdered The Little Drummer Boy for cripes' sake.

  12. SFX is a UK publication, Kid - 2020 is the mag's 25th anniversary but I started reading it in 1999 (and I had a letter printed in 2013).

  13. Come to think of it, CJ, I may have bought the first ish. 25 years? Time flies.

  14. I had no idea SFX had been going so long wow I remember the first issue as well and thought it came out about ten years ago, if that. For me Bowie ( and music) over he Dakeks everyone kid.

  15. Yeah, I don't like the Dakeks much either, McS - I think they're distant cousins of the Daleks. And, as every true music-lover knows, Jim Reeves could out-sing Bowie any day of the week. (Except maybe Saturday, which was his day off.)

  16. Well Bowie and Jim Reeves were very different types of musician and no doubt in relation to a classic melodic voice Reeves was one of the best ever. Bowie and rock music in general is a different thing (which you’re not a fan off) and Bowie (and others) could play multiple instruments to very high levels, so they were not just screaming down a microphone. I was brought up listening to Jim Reeves as a kid (my mum liked him) so I couldn't slag him off as some of his songs take me right back to that time when I hear them.

  17. Well, I like some rock music, but maybe it was Bowie's image that put me off. Something far too androgynous about him, leaning heavily on the feminine side. I never used to like Elvis either - too much shaking himself about - it just looked weird, stupid in fact, to me. However, when I eventually listened to him without having to see him, I discovered that he had quite a nice voice on some numbers. Don't think that'll ever happen with Bowie, though I don't mind Space Oddity and The Laughing Gnome. Incidentally, The Man Who Fell To Earth had two Jim Reeves songs in the soundtrack of the actual movie - don't know if they ever made it to the LP.

  18. Just want to say a quick Hello to McScotty & Colin.
    Hope you're both well and Merry Xmas to all three of you.

  19. I'm sure that McS & JP will return the sentiment, JP - as do I. Merry Xmas when it comes.

  20. Hi John How are you doing I haven't seen you around the blogosphere for a while - I hope your keeping well and have a great Xmas and New Year (you to Colin).

    Kid "Make the world go away" sung by Reeves was indeed on the soundtrack LP I never bought it as it was a bit tame for me but a pal had it. I cant recall the other Jim Reeves track from the film. Im not a big fan of Elvis myself but he was a bit of legend.

    1. I'm okay, mate and hope you are too.
      When I heard that the Daleks were on here I just had to come back?
      Did you ever read my text story?
      ( Shameless Plug! )
      I'll send you a link. It was the last thing I blogged about ...
      ( Click left at the bottom of each page! )

  21. Can't recall it either at the moment, McS, as it was back in the late '70s or early '80s that I saw it for the first and only time on TV.

  22. I used to read The Bash Street Kids regularly, JP, and I never considered Plug shameless.

  23. Merry Christmas to you too, John, and it's so nice to hear from you again! And Merry Xmas to you too, Paul :)

    1. Wish I was back on here. Life was so much simpler in those days!

  24. It’s also being sold via the Gerry Anderson Facebook page if you haven’t got it .

  25. McSCOTTY ..Hello!..yes the Talking heads special is great, especially if your a fan of the first 4 albums, lots of great pics and interviews,and yes the Mojo Bowie Deluxe anthology is superb.

  26. Do you mean the TV21 Special or The Daleks Special, RD? Or both?

  27. On the subject of Jim Reeves - a couple of weeks ago Keir Starmer was a castaway on Desert Island Discs and he chose "Welcome To My World" by Jim Reeves as one of his 8 records.

  28. What a sensible chap - at least in that one regard, CJ.

  29. Well, JP, Crivens is always here whenever you want to visit.

  30. Thanks Rob I bought the Bowie special and it is as you say, superb. I'm a bit of a Talking Heads fan so will look at that . Thanks

    Kid two new Daleks books in W H Smith's Hamilton today (total of 3) and a new Misty winter special that had some great art didn't buy it but may be of interest to some.

  31. Wonder if they've just come in or whether they've been sitting in the back of the shop? As long as someone gets them from somewhere, I don't mind holding onto my spares. Misty is for girls - we'll have none of that sort of nonsense here. (Hee hee.)

  32. I had tried to order the Daleks book on the Forbidden Planet website weeks ago but then got a message saying it was sold out. I didn't get round to going back on the website to make sure the order was cancelled though, and I got an email the other day saying it was back in stock and being dispatched! Looking forward to it arriving!

  33. It's an excellent publication, DS. You'll be well-pleased - as long as it arrives in a sturdy cardboard mailer and not a flimsy polythene envelope.

  34. John, stay with us - Kid needs all the comments he can get (I jest - he's actually very popular).

    I still remember the time you attempted the "four candles" sketch on a confused shop assistant :D

  35. You were right the first time, CJ. I need all the comments I can get - just to remind me that I'm still alive.

  36. My copy just arrived- in a sealed polythene bag which was inside a sturdy cardboard container.

    Everyone who has said it is an impressive publication is 100% right- really looking forward to getting stuck into reading it, which will likely be the early part of next week.

    I've just spent a while looking at some of the Ron Turner pages...if there was an artist who deserves to be better known, it was Mr Turner.

  37. To be honest, I think I prefer the Richard Jennings pages, though that's maybe because they were the first Daleks pages to make an impression on me as a kid. However, Eric Eden draws more accurate Daleks, based on the design of them in the Dr. Who and The Daleks movie.

  38. Hey, it's Pac-man from the front.

  39. I was in Tesco this morning and I saw an Oor Wullie book, which was quite a surprise!
    No Daleks though.

  40. That's because Daleks do their shopping in Asda, CJ - on a Thursday.

  41. So are you planning any new posts in the near future, Kid, or have you shut up shop early for Christmas?

  42. I've got one sitting in my draft file that I wrote in September, CJ, but I just can't think of anything else to write about because of feeling particularly fatigued at the moment. Maybe when/if my energy levels are higher, I'll be able to batter out a few new posts.


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