Friday 27 November 2020


 Demi Rose...

If anyone was thinking of sending
me a Christmas present this year, here's a
hint of exactly the kind I'd appreciate.  And
don't worry, I promise to remember that a
 fit burd is not just for Christmas.


  1. I'd considered sending you Anne Widdecombe all wrapped up in festive paper tied with a bow :D

    But this Friday was Black Friday so surely a duskier maiden would have been more appropriate?

  2. That would take too much paper and too long a bow, CJ - I couldn't possibly put you to such expense. Besides, I happen to know that Miss Widdecombe has a pash on YOU, so you keep her.

    Duskier maiden? Surely that's colour prejudice? Down with racism.

  3. Don't miss this week's and next week's episodes of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, Kid, because they are Tim Brooke-Taylor's final appearance on the show. The end of an era.

  4. Indeed. Don't you worry, CJ, I always try not to miss it anyway, but I'll make a special effort not to tonight and next week.

  5. And for me another end of an era has come. As you know, Kid, my first ever Marvel comic was POTA #5 which I bought from a kiosk selling newspapers and magazines at the town's bus station. That kiosk has survived through the decades but no more! A brand new bus station is being built in another part of town and the old bus station complex, including the kiosk, will be demolished (the kiosk is part of a building which houses the bus station's HQ). So the place where I first discovered Marvel comics will soon be just a memory.

  6. I hate it when that happens. Do me a favour, CJ - go and take a couple of photos of the place and capture a bit of your history. Go on - promise.

  7. But if I took a photo, Kid, I wouldn't get a memory of the kiosk only the steel shutter with graffiti on it which now completely covers the kiosk from top to bottom. As you say it's part of my history and I won't forget it.

  8. Ach, tak' a photie onnyway - jist to mark its place in th' world.


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