Monday 5 October 2020



I've been meaning to do a post on my wind-up (or clockwork if you prefer) toys for a good while now, but some of them are stored in big boxes and I have no idea which ones.  There's no way to ascertain precisely where they are without taking several days to look through them all (and there are loads) and locate them.  (I really do have a lot of stuff.)

So I've decided to compromise.  The definitive post on all my wind-up toys will have to wait, but in the meantime, I've decided to do one on just my robot wind-ups, as opposed to my 'character' ones.  That's to say, exclude ones such as Tom & Jerry, Paddington Bear, Noddy & Big Ears, Fred & Barney, Daleks (as they're not robots) and whatever others I've got in that category.

So there's no point in further preamble from me.  Here are a few wind up robots to tide you over 'til I find all my other clockwork toys.  Don't know when that'll be though.  Incidentally, there are three 'odd ones out' in this group - can you spot which ones?  Take a close look.

Aw, wee Frankie was hanging around wanting to get his photie taken, so because parents sometimes tell their kids that 'The Monster' is a robot so as not to scare them with the notion of sewn-together bits of corpses, I've decided to include the wee fella anyway.  (We don't want him sulking, do we?  That would never do!)


  1. I love the Smash Martian! What is the yellow robot with the black faceplate, Kid? He reminds me a little of the Golden Age Electro character.

  2. If I recall correctly, DS, it came with some magazine or other and I had to assemble it myself. Maybe my memory's playing tricks though.

  3. I can't see the point of owning loads of things which you keep in boxes and never see. But thanks for showing us these cute robots :)

  4. They weren't always in boxes, CJ, they were once all out on display. However, I had to pack everything away over many months to enable work to be done in my house (a few years back), and I haven't got around to unpacking everything yet. That's because there's still work to be done that I'll need to do myself, but looking after an elderly relative with Alzheimer's, plus my own medical conditions, means that I've just not had time to unpack everything. It'll happen when it happens.

  5. Very impressive. Always liked the robot from Lost in Space.The fact it had a personality helped but liked the extending arms and rolling motion of its movement. There was a toy from the early 70's called Robby the Robot that came in packaging that resembled the moon. Do you remember it?Great Post mate.

  6. I don't remember the '70s Robby offhand, Triple F, but like a lot of things these days, I might remember it if I saw it again. (The old memory occasionally needs a visual prompt in my dotage.) Thanks for commenting.

  7. I really like these type of wind up robots. I have a couple myself a replica Japanese tin one and a wee green plastic one my mum bought me as a joke (little did she know I loved it) . If only I had kept the two Japanese tin toy robots I got as a kid at Christmas back in the 60s I’d be minted. And Colin, I’m afraid to say my two wee robots are currently also boxed and in my loft as like Kid I am getting a lot of work done to my house ☹

  8. Yeah, boys need their toys, CJ. I think he's just jealous of us, McS, because he doesn't have any boxes. Hey, that's an idea - he should just collect boxes. Then he can look at them all day without needing to keep anything in them. Sorted.

  9. Actually, I'm being slightly hypocritical, Kid, because about 3 years ago I bought two Hot Wheels cars to remind me of the Matchbox and Corgi cars I owned as a kid (I'd have bought some modern Matchbox and Corgi cars if Tesco had sold any) but I mostly keep them hidden away in a plastic storage box. They are on display at the moment however :)

  10. Slightly? You've just come out of the collector's closet, CJ, after pretending for years that you don't collect or store anything. You're going to be on the 6 o'clock news tonight over this. (Welcome to the human race.)

  11. Love classic toy robots. I remember one which had a “tv set” in its chest. Another one which opened up and closed its chest.
    But those battery operated ones were expensive back in the day so I didn’t have one of those.
    I do have a wind up Godzilla !

  12. Come to think of it, I might have a wind-up Godzilla as well, PS. Or Godzilla-type wind-up toy. Now where did I put it I wonder? I've got a couple of big battery-operated robots similar to the ones you describe, but they're tucked away in my loft somewhere, I think.

  13. This might seem a strange question Kid, but do you pronounce it ro-bott or ro-bit?

    I've always been ro-bott, but recently saw an interview with Isaac Asimov- the man who first coined the word 'robotics'- and he pronounced it as ro-bit.

    I'm trying to say it Asimov's way now, partly out of respect for an author I have enjoyed so much over the years, and also partly because it seems to really annoy some people.

  14. Personally, I pronounce it as 'robot', as in 'roebawt', but with no real emphasis anywhere, DS. I suspect that Asimov is just pronouncing it lazily, making his 'bot' sound like 'bit' (or 'but'. I'd stick to your original way of saying it, because it sounds a little affectatious to do otherwise. Shouldn't be hard to find a better way of annoying people.


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