Sunday 4 October 2020



As many of you probably know by now, I'm not a big fan of current attempts to diminish (if not abolish) the distinction between genders, or being told what to think by those on a mission to remould society in their own minority image, so a female Doctor Who who was once a man but is now a woman is a load of old pants to my way of thinking.  (I can't help it, it's the way I was made - so I have no control over who I am, what I do, or how I think.  Well that argument seems to work for some!)

Actually, I have nothing against a female Doctor per se, it's only the gender agenda I'm against, and if the lady Doc wasn't a 'reassigned' man, it wouldn't bother me.  If 'The Doctor' was a title which could be transferred from one person to another, with the original title-holder retaining it in an honorary capacity in the same way as 'Mr. President', then that would be the ideal way of having a woman in the role.  And my first choice (even though she probably wouldn't be in accord with the views I've just expressed) would be the delightful, delicious, and delectable Valerie Perez.  (No relation to George as far as I know.)

She could take my temperature any time.  Which would only be fair as she constantly raises it every time I look at her.  Sigh.  (Yeah, okay, I know - different type of doctor, but I thought it was a good line.)


  1. She’s quite the cosplayer! I haven’t even seen this pic.
    She’s got a great Wonder Woman vs Cheetah photoshoot.

  2. She's quite the woman! I'll look out for that photoshoot.

  3. The TARDIS makes a good prop for the beautiful lady but as for Dr Who self destructed back in 1980. The theme music became ugh..Davison was too young huffing and puffing his way through each episode and the stories were lousy and no comment about that Tegan. And now it's all political correctness. But I totally agree with what you say about gender. Instead of pissing us loyal fans completely expire the doctor as he's passed his number of regenerators and have a new timelord taking on the role Be it a woman.

  4. I'd have loved it if they'd had Peter Capaldi's Doctor's life force transferring into David Bradley's first Doctor, meaning that, essentially, he'd 'regenerated' into his first incarnation. Then he could've 'retired' and his daughter (who was a clone of him) could've become the new Doctor. (If they must insist on having a woman in the role.)


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