Saturday 31 October 2020


 Ground Control To Colonel Nick...

Images copyright respective owners
Time yet again for another entry in our occasional series of Comic Covers 'Snap'!, wherein we compare covers with the very ones they're based on.  This time it's Nick Fury getting ripped-off by Superman, but if Nick's not going to complain about Supes pinching the layout of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6's 1968 cover then neither am I.  Sequentially, the third cover on show here was actually published between the two above it, when it was reused on the second issue of a two-part reprint limited series in 1983.  The Superman version is from 1989.   


  1. I never understood that Superman cover. Since when does Superman need oxygen? I guess since they decided to redo him.

  2. The post-Crisis Supes wasn't as powerful as his previous incarnation, PS, and did indeed require an oxygen mask in space. At least to begin with, I don't know how long that aspect lasted.


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