Saturday 31 October 2020


 Things That Go Bump In The Night...

Getting back to the Hallowe'en theme, here's a couple of Aurora model kits I built and painted some years ago (approximately 1983 and '96 respectively), followed by two I built and painted for someone else two or three years back.  Plus, two versions of the same drawing of the Frankenstein Monster that I drew around '82 or '83.  The first one is the inked version of the head, followed by a photocopy of the original pencil version.  Not too shabby, eh?  (He said, fishing for compliments.)


  1. I had some of those model kits as well, the Wolf Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon, with optional glow-in-the-dark parts as I recall. Painted the Wolf Man but don't think I did the Creature. (Now have an action figure of the Gillman, made by Diamond Select, as well as their Metaluna Mutant). Last time I saw the kits though was up in a cupboard in the house before this one (20 years ago now) so somehow they didn't make it from one abode to the other. Packing fatigue at the time maybe? Who knows how we part company with these things, can't blame my Mum for throwing them out this time.
    Yeah, nifty drawing of the Monster. I dabbled with a stipple technique back in the 70s when I was in art college, think I became exposed to it by the close proximity (in time) of seeing the art of Frank Bellamy and the Target covers on the Doctor Who novels illustrated by Chris Achilleos, but I didn't have the patience and reverted to my old stand-by of cross hatching.

  2. I had the glow in the dark wolf man. The eternal question of course was - to paint or not the glow in dark bits?

  3. Apologies for the delay in responding, PC, was indulging myself with a much-needed sleep. I've got the Wolfman and Creature kits, but haven't got around to building them yet (after many years), though I did build the Monogram reissue of the Aurora Wolfman kit when they did it as a 'Luminator' model. (It needed a 'black light' for full effect.) I wasn't actually consciously trying for a stipple effect on the drawing, I was just trying to imitate the look of the photo (on a radio show album cover) that I used for reference.


    I originally partially painted them, PS, but didn't use them this time around. To be honest, the Frankie kit is a 1983 reissue by Monogram, though I've got two original Aurora Frankie kits still in their boxes. The Prisoner kit is also a reissue, though still bears the Aurora logo on the base, as the kit wasn't amended for the '83 Luminator series (as it wasn't included), which had the copyright details on the bases updated. The one in the photo was issued without any glow parts, though Moebious Models later reissued it with them.

  4. Beautifully painted monster models Kid. Great job! I love those drawings you did too. I had a large poster of Frankie over my bed as a kid and your drawings took me right back to it!

  5. Thanks, Woodsy. I've got a life-size Universal Frankie 'stand-up' in my loft that used to be in my studio (back room). I'll have to see about bringing him back down some day.


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