Tuesday 29 September 2020


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I'm unable to state with absolute certainty whether I was aware of Burke's Law as a TV show before or after I saw the comic strip in TV Century 21, but I believe it was the former.  Captain Amos Burke was first played by singer/actor Dick Powell in the first episode of The Dick Powell Show in 1961, but it was Gene Barry who made the part his own in two series from 1963-'65.  There was a third series in 1966, renamed Amos Burke Secret Agent, to cash in on the James Bond and Man From U.N.C.L.E. spy craze at the time, but it wasn't a hit and was cancelled after only 17 episodes.  I couldn't say whether it was ever broadcast on UK TV, but I don't remember it at all.

Because the original was a show that I associated with my childhood in the '60s, I was pleased when it was revived in 1994 (with Burke promoted to deputy chief), again starring Gene Barry.  I watched it avidly, because it was almost like having my childhood back again.  Anne Francis, who played Honey West in a '60s episode of Burke's Law before getting her own series, even popped up again in a cameo appearance, though this time referred to as Honey Best for copyright reasons.  (Perhaps viewers were meant to assume she'd married someone with the surname of Best, but they knew who she was supposed to be.)

Anyway, there were two seasons of the new series before Amos Burke was again relegated to 'TV Heaven', but for a while at least, it was good to catch up with an old friend from my youth.  Do you have any memories of the show, either in its '60s or '90s incarnation?  Indulge in some nostalgic reminiscing in our comments section.  And while you're casting your mind back, enjoy the debut episode of the comic strip from the first issue of TV Century 21.

Don't all rush at once now.


  1. I have no memory whatever of the show during it's original run. I do vaguely remember a local TV station showing it in syndicated reruns ca. 1970. The episodes were from the first two series (or seasons, as they are called in the US), with Burke as a police officer. I never heard of the "secret agent" version until many years later, when I read about it in an article or blog post somewhere.

    And I do remember the 1990s revival, with him back to being a police detective.

    There were several parodies, including a Flintstones episode where they met a detective who rode around in a chauffeur-driven limo and who delivered aphorisms such as, e.g., "Examine the evidence before drawing conclusions. Boulder's Rule." And there was a Get Smart episode that spoofed the "Amos Burke-Secret Agent" series, with Max boarding a plane to receive his instructions.

  2. Same as me, TC - I didn't know about Burke as a secret agent until I read about it many years after the fact. I'd like to watch an episode to see what it was like, but I suspect it will be 'high-camp'. I'd also love to see that Flintstones episode - must check whether it's on YouTube when I get a moment.

    I haven't seen Get Smart for years (apart from a 1980s movie or TV Special), I suspect the series hasn't aged well.

  3. I don't think Burke's Law would have been that great of success back then when you had the Classic Danger Man on. Drake was the man and who could better him.

  4. Big Rog as Simon Templar, LH. And what about Richard McGill and his suitcse?


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