Monday 28 September 2020


Funny the things you remember so long after the event.  It was November 1965 on the first day of moving into our new home.  Beside the tiled fireplace that was common to such terraced houses at the time, I found... well, what did I find?  I don't know what it's called, nor am I aware of it's purpose, so it's probably better that I show you something approximating it - which I have in the above photo.  If I recall correctly, it was the same colour, and it captured my interest for some reason.

Can't say exactly how long I had it or what its eventual fate was, but it's lived in my memory ever since, which is why, when I found something resembling it (I think the original had a more oval shaped head, with the underside slightly like a spoon or ladle) a number of years back, I kept it as a reminder of that day nearly 55 years ago.  It's around 2 inches long, pretty much the same as the one I found back then.

"So why tell us?" you may be wondering.  Simple.  Any of you Crivvies know just what the hell it is and what it's for?  Someone please enlighten me before I fall off the twig.


  1. Resembles a knitting needle to me.

  2. Resembles one indeed, McS, but at two inches long and of a more flexible plastic, it's pretty safe to assume that it's something else entirely. Some kind of cocktail stick, perhaps?

  3. I thought it could have been a dibber (thing for making holes in soil to plant seeds in) but I don't think dibbers tend to be flexible.

    Either that or its part of the Ultimate Nullifier that's got broken off and ended up in your house.

  4. That last explanation seems the more likely of the two, DS. I wonder if Galactus is offering a reward for its return?

  5. Ah I did not see that it was two inches sorry Kid. You know it looks familiar for some reason, but I can't place it.

  6. It's quite a common object in that I often see them lying around. Perhaps it's part of some kind of toy set for girls?

  7. Ahh that could it. I have two nieces so I could have seen this when they were younger - I would love to know what it is all the same as it does ring a bell.

  8. Someone's bound to know, so hopefully they'll enlighten us, McS. Ask your other half, she'd most likely know.

  9. Could be, CJ, though I don't recall ever seeing any girl or woman wearing one. Maybe for dolls?

  10. I think I remember this from my childhood...
    When women used brush curlers in their hair.. the curlers had wire inside, and these little plastics pins were used to anchor the curlers once they were rolled upon the head.

    I'm PRETTY sure my grandmother used these when i was little..

  11. Well, that's cleared up that little mystery. Thanks for enlightening us.

  12. Excellent stuff Grant that seems to be what they are I googled a picture online and these pins look very similar.

  13. The only excuse I can offer for not knowing what it was is that I've never worn rollers in my hair, McS.

  14. My Mrs confirms they are used in rollers, and not as i thought swords for Action Man!


  15. That's apt. I'm called Action Man because of my gripping hands, and I'm known as a bit of a 'swordsman'. (It's the one-eyed trouser snake 'sword' that I use though.)

    (Shut it! I'm allowed to say whatever I like in my own fantasy world.)

  16. Could be a plastic pin that was pushed through hair rollers Kid back in the Swinging Sixties? Check out the pile here

  17. Yup, that seems to be what it is, Woodsy. Grant already suggested that above. I prefer DS's Ultimate Nullifier theory though.


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