Saturday 26 September 2020


I think I'd be fairly safe in assuming that most comics collectors are like me when it comes to acquiring sought-after items, in that they'll purchase what's available and affordable even if the condition is less than perfect, then upgrade to a superior example should the opportunity ever present itself.  That's because there's no guarantee a better copy will come along at a respectable price (one that you'd be prepared to pay anyway), so you buy it when and where you can.

And so it is that I find myself with various spare copies of a diverse selection of comics and books I've obtained over the years, some of them only in recent months.  I usually don't mind having spares, but I'm running out of space which I'm eventually going to need to store new items.  I'll probably put them on eBay, though I know I won't get what I paid for them - mainly because some of them weren't worth what I paid for them to begin with.

Anyway, I thought I'd show them here, and if any of you want to make a decent offer for any of them, let me know.  I don't know what the Blogger rules are when it comes to advertising items for sale, but hopefully they won't mind.  Incidentally, the 1975 Garth book cost me £24.99 only a month or two back, and while I don't expect to make a profit on anything, I wouldn't like to take too much of a loss.  Any questions about condition, just ask.


  1. Regarding collecting I also base the condition largely on what I can afford and only upgrade based on what I think a better version is worth and providing it's of real interest to me ( an early Neal Adams, hard to find issues etc) some back issue costs and conditions for early non core titles are far too high . You have some nice issues there Kid especially Jet issue 1 and Valiant and Smash special but at present my comic buying is limited due to major house refurb so any offer would be well under what they are worth to the point of being insulting lol .

  2. Feel free to 'insult' me, McS - I can only say no. As you can see, nothing is in pristine condition and Jet #1 is discoloured down the spine, which I reinforced from the inside. House refurb? Will I be seeing you on Homes Under The Hammer?

  3. Well a house odyssey rather than refurb as its taken months longer to compete due to Covid-19 restrictions, backlog of work and being unable to get glass , plaster etc. and still not finished yet - the good thing is the loft I now all mine for a my records . comics etc (its floored, electrical point, window, heating etc) Thankfully we will NEVER do this again at our age. Oh I'm embarrassed now but £15 for the 2 (way too low I know the special is worth around £25 min on its own )

  4. Done. I'll even throw in Jet #2. There are a couple of cover colour touches and a few micropore tape reinforcements in the Valiant & Smash! Summer Special, but it's a nice secure copy. Thing is, I don't get into Glasgow very often (if at all) these days, so I could meet you in EK town centre (if you still work in the town) and you can examine them before committing yourself. Failing that, I could post them to you, but that would cost at least another couple of quid.

  5. Kool if your sure that's great - Happy to just post out if your ok to let me post the money out. Working from home due to COVID but can pop into EK also if that's better Friday or later.

  6. Sent you an email, McS. Secret Squirrel.


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