Saturday 29 August 2020


Being a woman of beauty and
brains, Sybil Danning has referred
to Crivens on a couple of occasions on
her own site, though it doesn't mean she
agrees with every (or even any) particular
point of view expressed here.  However,
one thing she surely does recognise is
that we Crivs simply adore her - so
all hail the goddess Sybil!


  1. That's a blast from the past. In the 70's and early 80's I was crazy about her. I'd buy a magazine if it had just one photo of Sybil.

  2. And she's still with us too at the age of 73... Not dressed like that though

  3. I think the first I heard of Sybil was when I saw her in a magazine in 1981 or '82, then saw her in Battle Beyond The Stars (I think) in '83 or '84. A sexy stunner and no mistake. Still looks good today too, even at 73.

  4. I first recall in the Richard Burton movie Bluebeard. Then a few years later cropped up in Hercules with Lou Ferrigno then finally BBTS... Then into oblivion (notthe movie )

  5. Don't forget her occasional appearances on Crivens, LH. (What do you mean, you were right the first time?) Besides, oblivion's not such a bad place - I know it well.

  6. I saw her ( decades ago now! ) at a convention and being much younger and dumber I didn’t go talk to her.

  7. You'll know better next time, PS. Ask her for her 'phone number too.

  8. I dunno. Given her "macha" image, it's kind of like, "Whoa, don't ask for her phone number (or even an autograph). She might shoot you."

    But then, I like getting aroused and terrified at the same time.

  9. Let's hope that she wouldn't shoot you, TC. Besides, I don't think those two pointy things of hers are loaded.


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