Friday 28 August 2020


I was in a local cafe the other day and had to visit the gents.  (I don't like using public toilets, but "needs must" as they say.)  I'd only just got settled on the seat when I heard a voice from the next cubicle say: "Hi, how's it going?"  I was taken aback for a second, but replied: "Aye, all right!", hoping that would be the extent of our interchange.  "What you doing at the moment?" the voice said.   "Er, same as you!" I replied.  "Is it all right if I come over?" the voice from next door enquired. "Well, I'm kind of busy at the moment!" I said, glancing up at the top of the dividing partition somewhat alarmed.  Then the voice said: "Look, I'll have to call you back - some idiot in the next cubicle keeps answering my questions!"

Ooer!  I wanted to disappear down the u-bend.


  1. Hopefully the person in the next stall wasn't Facetiming.

  2. Don't think he was timing anything, T47. (Oh, I'm a riot.)

  3. Lol brilliant ..Is that a joke or did it happen.

  4. A joke, McS - a humorous piece of fiction for the purpose of amusing all you Crivvies. Might've happened to someone somewhere though, which eventually led to it becoming a joke.

  5. If the Two Ronnies were still around, you could have sold that joke to them, it's the kind of wordplay they were always doing!

  6. Nah, 'cos I didn't originate it, DS, so it's not mine to sell. I do wonder if it was someone sitting on the bog, hearing someone else in another cubicle talking into his mobile 'phone (and not realising right away that it was someone speaking into a mobile) that led to the creation of the joke, or maybe it actually happened. Not impossible I suppose.

  7. It actually happened to my mate in a similar situation.He was in a black taxi and thought the driver was talking to him when in actual fact he had a telephone earpiece on.Tragically my friend Seamus who will remain nameless answered at least 7 Or 8 questions until the penny dropped!Arrrrgggghhhhh.

  8. Some taxis I've been in have been not unlike toilets, Triple F, so you're right - your mate's situation was similar in more ways than one.

  9. Very witty Kid.Keep up the good work.Used to work in Glasgow in St Georges Square and loved the people and the place.Happy memories of numerous comic shops.

  10. Will do my best, Triple F. Keep up the good comments.

  11. Good One Kid - that made me laugh out loud.

  12. It's good to laugh, D. (I'm here all week. Available for weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs, etc.)


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